❦〚Hero Training Pt.1〛❦

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        (Y/n) sat with the rest of her class, all talking about how their first day, yesterday, went for them. (Y/n) was in the back, making some small talk with Shouto Todoroki. He was a very good listener, but he wasn't one for talking all that much. He gave good advice, but she kinda wished he had a filter.

"I am coming through the door!" The familiar voice of her Uncle Yagi, or Uncle All Might, rang behind the door, before it slid open. Her Uncle was there, with his usual grin in his hero side. "Like a normal person!"

(Y/n) simply face palmed, which made Shouto question why she did, but didn't press the matter. "I can't believe he really did that! Is he crazy or something!?"

(Y/n) didn't pay much attention to what was going on next. She already knew what today's schedule was, and knew what was in store for them. She was unhappy to hear about what was going on, since she might have to go against Katsuki, or go with him. Neither was not an option.

(Y/n) was putting on her costume, that she had filled out the order the other day, thanks to the help form her father. She thought her was a little tight on her, but it was exactly how she wanted it. She admired herself in the mirror, feeling slightly happy about how it came out.

"(Y/n)-chan! You look so beautiful in that outfit!" Urakara said, her eyes gleaming with happiness. She looked over (Y/n)'s outfit, admiring it. "It's so detailed! And look at how easy you can move in it!"

(Y/n) blushes from embarrassment. It was rare she got compliments like this, but it made her feel happy to know someone liked her choices. "T-thanks Uraraka-chan."

"You don't have to call me Urakara-chan." The brown haired girl smiled, standing next to the Alchemy Quirk girl. "You can just call me Ocha-chan!"

"A-alright." (Y/n) smiled sheepishly. Nicknames were new for her, especially having a nickname from someone that wasn't family.

"Let's go (Y/n)-chan! Everyone might be waiting for us!" Uraraka smiled, grabbing the other girls hand and ran out.

(Y/n) found herself standing behind Uraraka and Iida. She stood next to Shouto and Bakugou, who both looked bored as hell. They were still waiting for Izuku, who has yet to be seen.

"This is so boring." Katsuki growler, crossing his arms, which seemed kinda hard cause of his giant grenade cuffs. "Where the fuck is shitty Deku?"

"Just be patient. He might still be changing. He did look like he was struggling, slightly." Shouto said, leaning on his right leg.

"He's the fucking last one! He better get his shitty ass out here before I blow him up!" Katsuki yelled impatiently. He really wasn't in the best mood.

"P-please don't yell..." (Y/n) asked, covering her left ear from Katuki's yelling. If he yelled anymore, she was probably going to go deft.

"Heh?! What did you say, bitch?!" Katsuki yelled even louder.

"Now then! Everyone one is here! Now, everyone will be working in pairs! You will draw letters from this box!" All Might announces, holding a yellow box in his hands. "Then two teams will go against each other! One team is the villain team, and the other is the hero team! The villains must protect a fake bomb, while the hero's must retrieve it!" All Might kept going on and on about the rules and what else they had to do.

(Y/n) waited her turn, until she walked up, and stuck her hand into the box. She grabbed a random piece of paper, and took her hand out. She looked down, seeing D written on her paper. "Who else has D?"

"I-I do!" Izuku yelled, holding up his paper. He smiled, relieved to see he was with a friend.

"Thank fucking god I didn't get shitty Deku." Katsuki growled, looking at his paper, that showed an A.

"Alright! The teams going against each other, are these ones!" All Might took out two balls with team A and D on them.

"I'm going against Bakugou?!" (Y/n) mentally screamed, feeling like the world was against her.

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