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        (Y/n) was talking with her uncle and the police. She was telling them about what had happened during the training camp, along with who had attacked her while she was asleep in the dorm rooms. She gave all the information she could to them.

"I do hope you will be joining us on our rescue mission." All Might said to his niece, smiling down at her while he was in his hero form.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm just surprised dad is letting me go with you guys on this mission, especially after what just happened with the training camp." (Y/n) smiled, scratching the back of her head nervously.

"You already have your hero licence. You're a full blown hero, so he knows you are going to be just fine. Besides....I AM HERE!" All Might yelled, doing one of his signiture poses.

(Y/n) whacked her uncle on the back of the head. "Shush Uncle Yagi! This is a hospital!"

"Oh. Right. Sorry." All Might laughed nervously.

A knock came to the door. The nurse from earlier came in, with a bag of clothes in hand. "Sorry to interrupt. Eraser Head has asked me to bring these change of clothes to his daughter, along with a mask to hide her face."

"Everyone gathering already?" (Y/n) asked, standing up from the bed to take the clothes bag form X.

"Yep!" All Might yelled, smiling.

X looked at the two males, with (Y/n) just standing there akwardly, since she had to change. "You two men, out. She's going to get changed, and it's rude to watch a lady change."

The officer and All Might looked at one another. All Might was about to say something, but when he looked at the nurse, she had glowing yellow eyes and black scales around her face, with sharp teeth. He flinched.

"Ok we should get going!" All Might grabbed his friend, and ran out the door.

X changed her appearance back to a human, getting rid of her yellow eyes and black scales. "Men. Honestly."

"You scary." (Y/n) shivered, seeing how her uncle flinched from the mere sight of X's face.

"You have no idea." X sighed, and tossed a simple black mask with a transmutation circle on it. It was a simple surgical mask, but had the circle on it. "This is what your father wanted you to wear. Best you keep your face hidden, unless you want villains targeting you."

"Uh, thanks." (Y/n) caught the mask, and looked at it. She looked back up, only to see nurse was gone. "She's a strange one..."

"We have gathered some of our finest heroes today." Tsukauchi said, looking at the line of hero's that stood in front of a group of officers. "Now, let us begin our strategy meeting."

There, stood many heroes. There was All Might, Best Jeanist, Endeavor, Mt. Lady, Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, Gang Orca, Tiger, and the Philosopher.

(Y/n) sighed, knowing she wasn't going to be in the conversations at all. Because she's a kid, many Pro Heroes don't take her seriously, even though she is one. She took her phone out, and started watching the interview of Nezu, her father, and Vlad. This was going to be quite an interesting interview.

"We deeply apologize for the incident that allowed harm to come to 27 first years of the hero course because of our unpreparedness. We apologize for causing unease in society due to our negligence in properly defending ourselves as in a place of learning, We are truly sorry." Aizawa said, and bowed with Vlad and Nezu.

"Oh dad...." (Y/n) whispered to herself.

"Since the beginning of the year, U.A. High School students have had four encounters with villains. This time, there were even students injured. How did you explain to their families, and what are some specific countermeasures you are taking?" One of the news reporters asked.

"They're making dad seem like the bad guy..." (Y/n) whispered to herself, writing down some of things she had noticed from the interview.

All Might looked down at his niece. He saw she was watching the interview of her father and her two uncles. He didn't bother trying to make her pay attention. He knew she was worried. Besides, all the things that they're talking about right now would overload the poor girls brain, so he'd explain it to her later while they'd be on their way to rescue Katsuki.

"We will increase policing in the surrounding area and review the security within the school, ensuring the students's safety with a strong position. That is what we told them." Nezu said, speaking into the microphone.

"This isn't good...people are going to start criticizing U.A., and the staff..." (Y/n) started writing down more notes. This wasn't going to end well.

One of the reporters bought up Bakugou and his past. This was all new information to (Y/n), so she listened carefully. He fought a sludge monster in middle school? She heard about the attack, but she didn't know that was Bakugou who has faced the villain. To her surprise, her father's reaction wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be.

"Focus Philosopher, we don't know what might happen." Tsukauchi said, getting the girl to pay attention to the current situation.


OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now