۵〖More fun facts about this book〗۵

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        Hello everyone! Sorry there are no chapters coming out now, but I am still working on he other Sports Festival battles, while balancing theatre and school work. Also, good news, my fever has finally gone away, after over 3 days, so I am better now. Anyways, more facts.

This was going to be a Shouto x Reader book instead of a Katsuki x Reader book

That's right! This book was originally going to be a Shouto x Reader book before I chose to have Katsuki as the canon character we all fall in love with. I have nothing against Shouto, but when I thought about how this was supposed to go, with MC being related to everyone, it would be kinda awkward to be dating someone who is like your cousin. So that's when I changed it to Katsuki instead.

(Y/n) was originally supposed to be related to Izuku instead of the Pro Hero society

Now with this one, (Y/n) was going to indirectly be related to the Pro Hero society. But when I thought about how her relationship with Katsuki would be, and that just seemed scaring. So that's when she was adopted.

MC was going to have a different Quirk

Yeah. MC was going to have a different Quirk. Before I settled on Alchemy, I was going through different ideas. I asked my friend, who was like Bakugou, what he would be a creative Quirk, and he said "instant death" so I whacked him in the back of the head. I said that was op, so he then said "future vision. Like Garnet from Steven Univurse.

So then I asked another friend of mine, and she to have an animal Quirk, like talking to them. But I told her that someone else had a Quirk, she went to a corner to sulk like Tamaki. I swear I thought I saw Mushrooms growing.

So after going through a few Quirks that would be very unique, I settled on Alchemy.

MC's birth parents were originally supposed to be around

That was the paln. MC's parents were supposed to be in the book, but when I asked my dad for help, he played devils advocate on me. So, after running through scenarios, I chose to take them out.

MC was supposed to have a brother if MC's parents were still in the book

Yep! MC was supposed to have a brother! So I had asked a friend of mine, who is like a brother to me, and asked how it would seem. They said it was good, but it would cause a lot different things to go around, and not go in the direction I had wanted. So I scrapped that, but that was before I scrapped MC's parents being around in the story.

MC was originally not supposed to be from Japan

What I was planning was that MC was supposed to be from America. She was originally supposed to be a transfer student, who is the daughter of a Pro Hero family from America, so she would be related to the Japanese Pro Hero's. But that would cause a lot of angst in the story, and I do not like angst sometimes. So that is why I had her born in Japan instead of America.

So that's some more fun facts. I hope you all enjoyed these weird facts about this book. Now then, I have an announcement that I plan and share in the next chapter of this. I hope you all enjoyed! Be ready to read the announcement, coming out later today!

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