New Cover

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Hey people. So, I wanna have a new cover for this story. I like this pic, but I kinda want a new one.

So, I'm letting you all make it! You can send in 3 different covers for this book. So, let's go over a few things.


1. Has to be an original piece

2. Must have the title of the book

3. Must have your watermark on it. (Proof that it's yours)

4. Just gotta have Katsuki somewhere on the cover. Doesn't matter where, just somewhere.

5. No silhouettes of a person that isn't a canon character.


1. No taking someone else's piece of artwork and claim it's yours. Must give credit.

2. Must have the requirements.

3. You can use photoshop, or any other photoshop program, but again, must give credit for the artwork you use.

4. You may collaberate with another person. Just make sure you do some work.

That's pretty much it. Deadline is January 12, 2019. So start creating!

       Contact me through these:
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        Discord (#1951)

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