❧〘Alchemy Quirk〙❧

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        Hey people. So, this is a side Story. The only way you'll be able to tell with my book, is by the titles appearances. See how it's different than the main plot stories? Yeah. So, if you see the title like this (❦〚〛❦) then it means it's a main plot chapter. If you see one like this (❧〘〙❧), then it's a side Story. So, just clarification. Hope you enjoy.

"(Y/n)!!" (Y/n) turned around, looking at her Uncle Mic's energetic smile. He ran to his 4 year old niece, and picked her up in one swift movement. He started twirling her around in a tight hug, almost making the girl pass out form the lax of oxygen. "There's my little Birthday girl!"

"Present Mic. Shut up, you're too loud." Aizawa said to his best friend, not bothering to look at his childhood friend. "And do you mind putting my daughter down?"

"But she's too cute! Besides, it's her 4 birthday! We might get to know her Quirk today!" Present Mic stopped spinning, and jumped up and down with his niece still in his arms. He's been waiting for 3 years to see her Quirk, he was too excited. "I wonder what it will be?! Will it be like mine? Like yours? Wait...what if she's Quirkless?!"

"I'm pretty sure she isn't Quirkless. Even if she was, that doesn't change who she is." Aizawa said, still not bothering to look at his childhood friend. "She will still be my daughter, and she will still be your niece."

Present Mic looked down at the birthday girl, who only looked at him with a small smile on her face. "It's ok. I don't mind being Quirkless. I could help you and daddy out with your jobs."

Present Mic started crying, and hugged the little girl even tighter. "You're too kind! You're too innocent for this world!! Why must you be born in a world where villains still live?!"

Aizawa sighed, and took his daughter from his best friends hands, and held her close. "Would you stop suffocating her?"

Present Mic chuckled nervously, before sitting in his chair. "Come on. Aren't you the least but curious to see what her Quirk might be? I'd love it if she had one like mine."

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, another Present Mic is just what we need."

Present Mic smiled, and stood up from the chair, placing one food on the desk and pointed to a random place in the room. "Yes! That's exactly what we need!"

"I don't think he got your sarcasm dad..." (Y/n) deadpanned, not sure if her Uncle is just energetic, or just stupid. She was leaning towards stupid right about now.

"Well, we'll know if your Quirk comes along. Why don't you go see Recovery Girl? I think she has a present for you." Aizawa set his 4 year old girl on the floor.

"Yay!" (Y/n) clapped her hands multiple times, and ran to the giant door. She placed her hands on the handle, before a bright light erupted from her hands.

All three of them closed their eyes, afraid of what was going to come. The next thing they knew, the door was still there, but there was a giant wire of wood. (Y/n) and Aizawa both followed where it went, only to see Present Mic was gone, and most likely, smashed against the wall.

"No way..." Aizawa said, astonished at what he was looking at. "You have the Alchemy Quirk."

"Alchemy Quirk? But that's the rarest kinds! This is so cool!!" The girl shouted, jumping up and down in her spot. "This is amazing! I can't believe it! Best! Birthday! Ever!"

Aizawa cut the wood with his scarf, dropping the other piece of wood, along with Present Mic, who left a life size print of him on the wall. "Get up."

"Ow..." Present Mic groaned, laying down in one of Recovery Girls beds in the nurses office.

"I'm so sorry Uncle!" (Y/n) kept apologizing the rest of her birthday, feeling bad for smashing her uncle into the wall.

"It's alright kid. It was unexpected." Present Mic groaned, but a small smile appeared on his face. He patted her head gently, reassuring her.

(Y/n) put her hands together, making a wish her uncle would feel better. When she placed her hands down on the floor to sit, since the chairs were dirty, she ended up using her Quirk from under the bed, and shot Present Mic up into the air, and smashed into the ceiling.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" (Y/n) started apologizing once more, while Recovery Girl and Aizawa chuckled and giggled at the entertaining sight before them.

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