🎄Christmas Special Pt.1🎄

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"Tatsuki! Don't run around the house with the needle!" (Y/n) yelled at her 5 year old son, while she was holding their baby girl in her arms. She watched as her energetic son was running around with a needle in his hand. His spiky ash blonde hair matched his fathers, while his crimson eyes were looking for a place to hide from his mother's yelling.

The baby in her arms held onto her mother's sleeves tightly, while being entertained when her older brother was running around and making their mother super frustrated. She had her mothers (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes.

Katsuki walked into the family room, and his son whacked into his legs. A pair of crimson eyes stared into the smaller pair of crimson eyes. Katsuki gave his usual smirk, and bent down to the level of his son. "Hey squirt. You really shouldn't run around with a needle."

"But it's fun dad!" Tasuki complained, whining like a little baby.

Their daughter, Akari, smiled at the sight of her father, and reached for him with a bright smile on her little cheeks. She started saying some babbling, but the married couple could tell she wanted her father. She was only 1 year old, but she seemed to have heightened intelligence, just like her mother when she was a baby. (See the first chapter if you don't get it).

Tatsuki was always like this the day before Christmas. He had way more energy, and always ends up running around with something dangerous. Last year, it was a hammer, the year before that, it was a few nails, and then the year before that, he was carrying around glass ornaments.

Katsuki gave a small smile, and gently took Akari into his arms. "Hey there you little bomb of emotions."

Tasuki hugged his fathers legs, and looked up at his father with the same crimson eyes. Tasuki had gotten his fathers possessiveness, especially with his family. He looked at his sister, wanting to hold her.

Katsuki smirked, and gave his daughter to his son. "Be careful squirt. We don't need you to accidentally make something and send your sister to the moon."

Tatsuki smiled, and whet somewhere with his sister, who giggled.

"When is your dad supposed to get here again?" Katsuki asked his wife, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, placing a small kiss on her cheek.

"Father said he was going to be here around 12." (Y/n) leaned into her husbands arms, feeling safe in his arms. "But knowing my father, he's going to be here in 3....2..1."

The door suddenly burst open, and there was none other than the sleepy Pro Hero. Aizawa's tired black eyes stared at his daughter, her husband, and looked over to his two grand kids. His hair had turned more grey than than black, but that was the only difference over the years.

"How the hell did you know he was going to bust down the fucking door?" Katsuki whispered into his wife's ear, not wanting his children to hear him.

"Do remember he's the one who raised me." (Y/n) gave a small laugh, getting out of her husbands arms, and walked over to her father, giving him a big hug. "Father. It's so good to see you again."

"It has been a while since I had come over." Aizawa said. With his daughter staying home to raise their youngest, and Bakugou at work, Aizawa had taken his daughter's position. He became a substitute teacher when his daughter took his position. "Now then, where are those two buggers?"

Tatsuki ran over to his grandfather, and hugged his leg, while his sister was clutching onto her brother's back. "Grandpa!"

Aizawa smiled, and picked up Tatsuki and had his scarf take his granddaughter off of her brother. "There you are you little bomb. You've grown so much."

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now