❦〚Family Reunion Pt.2〛❦

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Currently, (y/n) was setting up seating arrangements for everyone. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Class 1-A and Class 1-B was the class she was setting up for. She didn't want anyone to nearly kill one another, but that was never the easiest thing in the world. Considering everyone had such strong Quirks, there was a very high chance of people trying to kill one another, along with being able to protect themselves better.

        "How are all of the seat planning?" Aizawa asked his daughter, looking over his daughters shoulder at the clip board in her hands, showing seating arrangements. "You're going to sit next to Bakugou?"

        "I-I asked him if he wanted to. He said we could sit together." (Y/n) blushed, hiding the clip board in her chest.

        "If you wanted to sit with him you should've just told me. I would've been alright with it you know." Aizawa said, smirking.

        "You would've put him next to Mineta if you were in charge." (Y/n) said, sending a playful glare towards her father. "Now go tell the others the plan, alright?"

        "Alright alright." Aizawa said, waiting for his other students to arrive, since it was still pretty early for anyone to show up.

        When the students arrived, (Y/n) was doing attendance for both A and B classes. So far, there were only a few other students she had to find in class B, along with a couple more people from class A.

        While checking off the present box in class A attendance, two arms had wrapped around her waist, securing her to their chest. (Y/n) stiffened, stomping on the ground and used her Quirk to trap whoever was hugging her from behind. Their arms were taken off of her, while their legs were held down. Getting out of the grip, (Y/n) was ready to fight whoever hugged her, only to see Katsuki.

        "Oh my! Katsuki! I'm so sorry about that." (Y/n) apologized over and over again, releasing Katsuki from the confines of the concrete.

        "Remind me not to sneak up on you when it's Halloween." Katsuki said, rubbing his wrists gently. "Now come on, let's go on the bus."

        "B-but I have to take attendance for my father." (Y/n) said, showing him the clip board in her hands. "I can't just stop doing my job for my family."

        "(Y/n), go on the bus. The rest of the students are here." Aizawa said, telling the truth. The rest of the group had already showed up, so everyone could go on the bus and go to the camp.

        To say the bus was loud, would have to be an understatement. Hagakure and Mina both sat together, while Kirishima and Kaminari were in the row next to them. Behind the girls, was Tsu and Uraraka, who chatted among themselves.  The row next to them was Izuku and Iida, but Iida was yelling at Aoyama, Sero and Ojiro for not sitting down. Shouto sat with Aoyama, who wouldn't listen. Across from them, was Jiro and Momo, listenign to Iida yelling. Koda and Shoji, who kept to themselves, sat behind the girls. Behind Shouto and Aoyama, was (Y/n) and Katsuki. Both sound asleep. Mineta and Sato both sat together, along with Sero and Ojiro both in the last rwo of two. Tokoyami was in the very back, liking being away from the others around him.

        Waking up slightly, (Y/n) shifted her body, so that she was in a more comfortable position, her head resting on Katsuki's shoulder.

        Katsuki woke up a little. He opened his right eye, and looked down at the sleeping face of his crush. Draping an arm around her shoulders, Katsuki brought her head to his chest, so she was more comfortable and she was well protected.

        Aizawa just looked behind him, checking on his students. His face held nothing but annoyance at everyone's constant chit chat. But he was especially annoyed seeing Katsuki holding his daughter as both of them were sleeping. This was never going to settle well with him. Even after he's dead, his spirit would always be protecting his daughter. He sighed, and relaxed, facing the front of the bus.

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