❦〚Father Daughter Bonding〛❦

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"Father! I'm here!" (Y/n) shouted, running into her house and slammed the door closed behind her. Kicking off her boots, (Y/n) ran upstairs, getting ready to go out with her father to have dinner.

        "Change into casual clothes!" Aizawa yelled from the couch. He sat up, and went to the downstairs bathroom to fix his hair. It most likely was a little wild side he laid down on couch. 

        (Y/n) rain into her room, and threw her messenger bag on the bed. Changing quickly, (Y/n) just some jean shorts, and a sleeveless shirt. Because it was longer than she thought, (Y/n) tucked part of the shirt behind her shorts, while a different side wasn't tucked in. She then grabbed her fathers old sweater he had in high school. Surprisingly it was in great shape. Tying it around her waist, (Y/n) threw on her socks and sneakers, and grabbed her purse. Putting her wallet and keys into the purse, (Y/n) ran down stairs. "Ready!"

        Aizawa looked at his daughter, and sighed. "You really should fix your hair."

        (Y/n) took out her small mirror, and looked at her appearance. Her hair was a bit messy and some strands of hair was out of place. "Whoops. Sorry about that."

        "I can go-" (Y/n) was about to leave, before she was suddenly pulled by her wrist, and she was sitting on the couch. "Wha?"

        "I'll get it for you." Aizawa said, fixing his daughters (h/l) hair. Strands were put back into place, and no knots stuck in her hair. "There we go. You should really learn how to get your hair done faster."

        "Awe come on dad. I just had a busy day, cut me just a little bit of slack." (Y/n) said, sighing. "I've done deliveries, fought against Nomu's, and then had to do deliveries again, gotta cut me just a little slack."

        "Yeah yeah, now then, we should probably get going. We want to make sure there's still going to be some seats left for us." Aizawa said, and started dragging his daughter with him towards the for, heading to he restaurant.

        "Dad! Don't start dragging me by my shirt! I don't want it to be ripped!" (Y/n) yelled, struggling to get out of his grip. "I actually like this shirt!"

        "So, tell me, how are you liking thing with your classmates?" Aizawa asked his daughter, as the two of them were eating at a diner. It wasn't super crowded, and they had good food.

        "I like this class. They're different than the previous classes, especially Miro-senpai and his other friends. This class has a lot of potential. I do wonder how Mineta was someone who managed to get into 1-A. I thought he would've been in a different class, considering he isn't the strongest ones, and I've seen people from class 1-B wo can be in Class 1-A. What was running through your minds?" (Y/n) said, taking a simp of (favorite drink) from her plastic cup.

        "Many things, but if we see students we think has potential, more than others, that's one factor that get's them into 1-A." Aizawa said, drinking his black coffee. "One of the teachers thought there was something in Mineta that could make him a Pro Hero. I don' know what it was, but something was there."

        "Aside fro a dirty mind?" (Y/n) asked. That was pretty much the only thing (Y/n) and pretty much everyone else in the entire class thought about Mineta. It was just his dirty mind that makes them remember him. It was because they don't want to be near him.

        "I wondered that myself." Aizawa said, resting his head on the table.        

        "If you're tired from work, you didn't have to take us out to dinner. I would've been fine with you going to bed." (Y/n) gave a small smile towards her father. She knows he's been very tired ever since the USJ accident. He's been on edge.

        "It's fine. We haven't had a lot of time to spend as a father and daughter. Instead, it has been student and teacher, and I know you don't really like having to treat your family like teachers instead of family. Even if the other students know, I know you don't really like it." Aizawa said, drinking his coffee once more.

        "True...I haven't been able to have any family time with anyone for a long while, especially now that I'm attending school instead of being home schooled." (Y/n) sighed, and took a bit from her drink once again. "It's defiantly different. I used to learn form you guys and older kids, but now I'm learning what they used to."

        "Do you want to be homeschooled again?" Aizawa asked, leaning against the back rest of the booth.

        "No thanks. Besides, being away from my new classmates isn't really something I want to do. They're my first friends my age. The others were like siblings, but having friends my age isn't so bad." (Y/n) smiled, happy to have people her age to hang out with.

        Their food was served, and the two continued to talk throughout the night. They talked about how Aizawa's job was with such a crazy class, and how (Y/n) was having fun with her classmates. They talked about the past, and things to remember that they both thought should be shared.

        "Have you ever wondered who your real parents are?" Aizawa asked, looking at his daughter.

        "Honestly, I do." (Y/n) said, looking at her father.

        "Have you ever wanted to be their daughter if they're still alive?" Aizawa asked, slightly fearing the answer his daughter was going to give him.

        "I mean, they may be my birth parents, but they weren't the ones who raised me, who took care of me. They didn't teach me about my quirk, they didn't help me train, they didn't let me go to U.A. Even if they are still alive, I don't consider them my family, because I already have a family. I love having you as my dad, and the faculty as my family. Whatever reason they had for leaving me in the park, I'm sure it was for a good reason." (Y/n) said, finishing the last of her food. She smiled at her father. "Now then, what's for desert?"

        Aizawa gave a small smile, and patted his daughter on the head. "I hope you never change."

        (Y/n) laughed a little, and called a host over, ordering her and her father their favorite deserts.

​​​​​​​        Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I wanted to mainly focus on Aizawa and MC's relationship as father and daughter. Sorry if it isn't as long as the other chapters. Hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see you guys when I see you.

        Last thing, updates are going to be much slower due to Drivers ED and work, so the story will not be updated as much as I would like.

        Have a great whatever time zone you are in. Bye everyone!

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