❦〚One on Two〛❦

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"Oh thank goodness the written exams are over!" Mina shouted, feeling like her brain was worked non stop for the past few days, which it was.

        "I just can't believe (Y/n) was asleep for the entire thing! She got everything done within a mere matter of minutes and she slept the entire time. Not even Yayorozu was able to do it as quickly as she could." Sero said, poking the sleeping (Y/n).

        "Don't wake her up guys. She's worked really hard." Izuku said, trying to make Sero stop poking (Y/n). She needed rest, that much was obvious.

        "Wake up you damn Alchemy Freak!" Katsuki yelled.

        Now that was what woke (Y/n) up. Out of instinct, she pulled a retractable staff out of her pocket, and pressed a button to let it go to full size. It ended up hitting Katsuki right in the face. "I'm up!"

        "Girls got some good reflexes." Uraraka laughed, thinking the sight in front of her was the funniest thing she could think of.

        "Shut it round face!" Katsuki yelled, getting up off the floor and glared at Uraraka for laughing at him.

        It was the day of the Practical Exams, and all the students were gathered at the exam area. Well, there was only one of the students missing, and that was (Y/n).

        "Where is (Y/n)-san?" Uraraka asked, looking around for her friend.

        "She's getting some well deserved rest. We gave her the day off from school." Midnight said, remembering how fast her niece crashed once her body hit her bed. "The girl was out like a light."

        "Why the fuck does the Alchemy Freak get to have the day off but we have to take the stupid exams!? She should be doing them fair and square with us!" Katsuki yelled, feeling angry that (Y/n) was getting out of class while he and the other students had to take the exam.

        "Just so you know, (Y/n) did this exam last year, against all of us. She even went against All Might without the disadvantages. She still passed, so we exempted her form the tests." Nezu smiles, remembering how many times (Y/n) escaped form him when she went against him for a mere matter of 30 minutes, before she went against All Might.

        "So you mean she didn't even have to do the tests but did them anyways? Why would she want to do that?" Tsu asked, putting a finger to her chin, wondering why her friend would do that.

        "She wanted to keep her skills sharp, so she said she would take them every year until she graduates. With the unknown cases fo villain activity, she wasn't expecting to be putting in long hours with the press, studying, and school. So this year, we gave her a year off." Present mic explained, remembering how last year his niece had managed to make some fake bugs and scare him. He was hoping there weren't going to be any bugs with them this year.

        "She really is the hardest working student." Kirishima said, unsure fo how (Y/n) was able to balance all her schoolwork, homework, and the media. "I guess she does deserve some time to herself."

        "Let's get going. It's best if we get this thing started." Aizawa said, and started pairing the teachers with the students.

        "And what did you mean by restrictions?" Mina asked, wondering what they meant.

        "Well, we had the support team make us some ultra compressed weights!" All Might explained, bringing out one of the weights that he would wear. "We'll put on about half our body weight. it's to give you a handicap. It's old fashioned, but it Ames it hard to move and eats up stamina!" Right as All Might locked it in place, his arm fell onto his knee. "Oh shoot, they're heavier than I thought..."

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now