💥New Years Special💥

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"Katsuki! Get you're damn ass down here! (Y/n) is here waiting for you!" Mitsuki yelled at her son.

Katsuki woke up to his mothers yelling. He looked at his phone, to see it was nearly noon. But scrolling down, he saw he had missed nearly 20 calls from "Alchemy Freak ❤️" and over 100 messages from a group chat that Kirishima had added him too.

"Goddamn it. I was supposed to be at the school around 10." Katsuki growled.

A bunch of banging was heard at Karsuki's door. "Get your fucking ass up right now you damn son of mine! (Y/n) is waiting!"

"Shut the fuck up you old hag!" Katsiki opened his door, only to see (Y/n) standing right in front of him.

(Y/n) pointed down the hall. Katsiki looked in the direction his girlfriend looked, only to see the retreating figure of his mother.

"That damn old hag!" Katsuki yelled, about to run after her, before (Y/n) grabbed his arm.

"Katsiki. We have to go. There's still decorating to do." (Y/n) said, trying to get her boyfriend to relax.

Katsuki looked down (sorry if you're taller than 5'7) at his friend. He noticed what she was wearing, which only made him blush. High white stockings with brown high heeled boots. A shirt that seemed just too big, with short shorts under. A belt wrapped around her waist, with a long red long jacket.

The weather wasn't super cold, and there wasn't any snow on the ground. (This happens sometimes with the weather. The weather wouldn't be super cold, and there wouldn't be any snow around Christmas). Her attire wasn't too bad for the weather.

Katsuki just blushes more, and hid in his room. "I'll be out in 10 minutes!

10 minutes passed by, and Katsuki was walking to the school with (Y/n).

"Why the hell did you let me sleep so late?" Katsuki groaned.

"I called you 20 times, but I remembered you had been working out late, so I had wanted you to get some rest." (Y/n) said, feeling a little bad for her boyfriend because he's been working out for so long, and hasn't gotten any rest himself.

"Don't worry about me. It's you I'm always worried about." Katsuki said, wrapping on arm around his girlfriend, pulling her towards his chest.

"Why are you worried about me? I'm alright." (Y/n) said, feeling slightly bad her boyfriend worrying about her.

"Why the fuck wouldn't I be worried?! Guys keep staring at you when I'm not around! I don't want some fucking extra's staring at my girlfriend!" Katsuki yelled, quite loudly. It grabbed the attention of a few little kids, but that was about it. "The next time I see some fucking extra try and flirt with you, I'll kill him!"

(Y/n) slapped her hand over her boyfriends mouth. "Katsuki. Don't yell that out in public. There might be an officer around, and there are little kids around,"

Katsuki just groaned, before he grabbed his girlfriends hand, and started walking towards the school, his pace quickening a little bit. "I don't give a damn. They could do whatever they want, as long as they don't drag you into anything."

(Y/n) blushed a right red, before she held her boyfriends hand, and walked along side him. "Don't worry. I'm alright."

"Finally! Baku-bro is here!" Kirishima yelled happily, before wrapping one arm around his friends shoulders, smiling happily.

"Get your arm off of me you damn shitty hair!" Katsuki yelled loudly, trying to get his friend off of him.

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now