❦〚A Day With Katsuki Pt.2〛❦

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         "Everyone....'m looking forward...to hearing your stories..about training camp..." Mina cried, her mood in the dumps. Why was she crying? Well, since her and Kaminari didn't pass the exams, they wouldn't go to training camp with the others, along with Sato and Kirishima. She was so looking forward to going on the trip with the others, and now her dreams were crushed by simply failing one exam.

        "W-we don't know for sure yet! There might be a last minute twist!" Izuku said, trying to reassure the four who had failed. He was being his usual self, and luckily still wasn't stuck in Recovery Girl's nurses office.

        "Stop Midoriya. If you say it out loud, it'll probably jinx it." Sero said, trying to make the green haired boy stop talking.

        (Y/n) was currently asleep, getting some much needed rest. After her little show during the exams, she's been drained of stamina and energy for quite a while, so she's been sleeping for a long while.

        The door suddenly opened, and the young student opened her eyes. Looking towards the source, she saw it was her father, strict and tired as always.

        "Once the bell rings, get in your seat." Aizawa said, tried. He had a binder in his hand.

        The entire class went into their seats and stayed quiet, not wanting to make the already irritated man angry.

        "Morning. Unfortunately, there are those who did no t pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods...everyone's going!" Aizawa announced, with that creepy smile on his face, with a happy background behind him.

        (Y/n) threw a hand over her mouth, trying not to laugh at the sight of her father smile, along with the background of a happy go lucky man. That didn't work very well, because she ended up bursting out laughing, falling over on the floor clutching her stomach.

        The other students tried not to laugh as well, but some were starting to fail as well.

        "Go do 2 laps around the school." Aizawa said, sending his daughter out of the building. This was her punishment for laughing at his smile.

        "O-ok." (Y/n) tried to breath, but she lost her breath once again. She ran out the door, doing the two laps her father told her to do, unless she wanted to suffer running 10 laps instead.

        Bursting inside the classroom, (Y/n) jumped into her seat, relaxing after running. "So what did I miss?"

        "Just the fact Sero also failed because he was passed out." Uraraka teased, sitting on (Y/n)'s desk.

        "Knew it." (Y/n) teased as well. She didn't really know he failed, but she thought it would be a little fun to mess with the poor boy.

        "Awe come on! Don't tease me!" Sero yelled, feeling embarrassed that he didn't pass but his partner passed.

        "Anyways, many of us were going to go to the mall to buy a few things we think we'll need for the training camp. You wanna join us?" Izuku offered his cousin, thinking it would be fun if she came with their group.

        "Eh, sure why not? Pomeranian! You're coming with us too!" (Y/n) yelled, knowing that was the only reason that Katsuki would join them. Either she told him to join, or she forces him to join.

        "Who the fuck said I'm going with you guys?!" Katsuki turned around and yelled at her, angry that she would assume that he was going with them.

        "I did! now you're joining us at the mall tomorrow or I'm going to drag your ass with us!" (Y/n) yelled back, smiling. She just loved messing with this boy, she could never get bored teasing him.

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now