❦〚Alchemy VS Creation〛❦

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Due to the odd amounts of people during this, along with (Y/n) making the numbers odd, we are going to pretend Momo and (Y/n) go against one another. After that, winner goes against Shouto, while Katsuki goes against her in the final round. In this story, Bakugou goes against Tokoyami as the last round before he goes against whoever wins between the character and Shouto. Enjoy. (All made up).

        "(Y/n)-chan. You're going against Yaoyorozu. How do you feel about that?" Uraraka asked, looking the side. "She has a Quirk that's very similar to yours."

        "That's a problem. She can create anything, but I can create only things I'm given with." (Y/n) sighed. She had a small disadvantage since the one thing she would be able to do was make things out of segment and stone.

        "You'll do great! I know you will!" Uraraka cheered her friend on. "You got tied for first place during the entrance exam. I think you'll do well!"

        "Thanks Ocha-chan." (Y/n) thanked her close friend. Standing up, (Y/n) made her way to the waiting rooms.

        "Hello everyone! Today! We are going to be seeing two students go against one another, with very similar Quirks as well!" Present Mic shouted. This was going to be interesting.

        The crowd cheered. When Kirishima went against Tetsutetsu, the crowd was excited since they both tied in the first round. Second round, Kirishima took the win.

        "From Class 1-A, we have a student who was recommended into the school! She's got brains, and a very unique hairstyle, it's Momo Yaoyorozu!" Present Mic introduces.

        Momo walked up onto the fighting area. She was nervous, but also determined. She was going against an opponent who has a rare Quirk, but she still had a slight upper hand.

        "Also from class 1-A, a girl who tied for first place during the entrance exam, and has an Alchemy Quirk, it's (Y/n) Sou!" Present Mic shouted. He was really excited to see how well his daughter does against someone who has a similar Quirk to hers.

        (Y/n) walked out into the platform, her face held with determination. One thing that her father always taught her, was if she was ever nervous or afraid, the first thing to do, was pretend she wasn't.

        "These girls have very similar Quirks! Who will win this round?! Will it be the girl who can create anything? Or it will it be the girl with the rarest Quirk in the world?!" Present Mic shouted. "Now then! Start!"

        (Y/n) clapped her hands together, and hit the ground. She used the cement under the Momo to shoot the girl up. Momo did end up getting up into the air, but she created a jackhammer and broke the cement under her. getting to ground level, Momo created a metal staff.

        "I think we should settle this in a normal staff fight." Momo twirled the staff in her right hand, and pointed it towards the girl in front of her.

        (Y/n) clapped her hands, and touched the ground, using the cement from under her and created a staff as well. "Bring it."

        Both charged at one another. The sound of metal and cement clashing with one another. The crowd watched with an intense stare. They weren't using their Quirks, they were on equal levels.

        (Y/n) clapped her hands together and hit the floor, creating a hole behind Momo. Momo used her hand and filled up the hole with some water, landing inside. Filling the hole up to the top with water, Momo ran over and tried hitting (Y/n) with the staff.

        "(Y/n) Sou had made a hole, but Yaoyorozu fillies it up with water! That is quite amazing! She managed to get herself out of a pickle!" Present Mic yelled, smiling. "These two are probably equal footing!"

        "You will be defeated!" Momo yelled, trying to hit (Y/n) out of bounds.

        "Not if I can help it!" (Y/n) yelled, and stomped on the ground, sending a few pillars of cement towards her opponent.

        Momo just made a large scythe made out some very shop metal. She cut down pillars, stopping them in their tracks.

        (Y/n) was about to send some more pillars towards Momo, before Momo had hit (Y/n) right towards the edge of the boundary. (Y/n) wasn't prepared for that.

        Momo walked towards (Y/n) with a very scary and malice look on her face. "I told you, you would be defeated."

        (Y/n) sighed, and clapped her hands. The last resort. She used her Quirk to create five very big hands from the sides of fighting area. Each hand had grabbed one of Momo's limbs, while the last one grabbed her by the torso to make sure she couldn't create something.

        "Yaoyorozu! Can you move!" Midnight yelled, as she watched Momo try and break free from the restraints.

        "I-It appears I can't." Momo tried once more, but she stopped. It was no possible.

        "Yaoyorozu is immobilized! Sou wins!" Midnight yelled. The crowd cheered.

        (Y/n) smiled slightly, but she felt all of her energy was drained out of her body. There wasn't a lot of physical damage, but creating the five large hands had caused her to use too much stamina and energy. Closing her eyes, (Y/n) collapsed on the floor.

        "Call Recovery Girl!" Midnight yelled.

        Opening tired (e/c) eyes, (Y/n) looked around the room. She was in Recovery Girl office, not the temporary one. "I'm in her office? But..."

        "You're finally awake." Aizawa said. He was sitting next to his daughters bed. "You seemed to have passed out. You  used way to much energy."

        "What happened? Is Momo alright?" (Y/n) asked. When she passes out, sometimes her Alchemy tends to break down. Basically, sometimes her Alchemy is tied towards her stamina and consciousness, so sometimes if she passes out, her Alchemy fails, especially if it's hanging on something that can't support weight.

        "She's alright. She was rescued before your cement hands had fallen apart. They lasted for almost 10 minutes. You used a very wide piece to hold her." Aizawa reassured his daughter. He knows the safety of her friends were a top priority to her. "But you didn't have to do your last priority. You you've just made a canon."

        "That would've caused her a lot of harm. I'm not going to do that." (Y/n) said. She didn't want to cause a lot of damage to her opponents.

        "So you were holding back?" Aizawa asked.

        "Only on how much damage I could cause someone. I'm not doing that. If it were a villain, it would be different, but Momo is a student and not a villain. But she really is tough. No wonder she was recommended into the school." (Y/n) smiled. Momo was an opponent (Y/n) admired, because she made (Y/n) work hard. "I like Momo. She's pretty strong."

        Little did (Y/n) know, Momo was outside the door, smiling. This was a good friend.

        I can't write fighting scenes very well, sorry. Hope you all enjoyed!

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