👻Halloween Special👻

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         Btw, you're both dating. Bye.

        Because the school wants to make everything fun for their students, they gave them the week of Halloween off, and decorate the entire school. The entrance was changed, so the pillars the students passed by was covered in some dark tents, with Halloween lights all around. The entrance to the building itself was covered with hospital curtains. When you first enter, everything was covered with "blood", which was really just some red paint they could easily get off everything.

        At one point, the kids wanted to have a competition with each other. Each class of every year (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, and K) all decided to decorate one floor of the school in their own theme. The teachers were to be the judges.

        "This is going to be so much fun!" Mina yelled happily.

        Currently, Class 1-A is in their classroom, making some of their decorations. Even though they could have had Momo make the decorations, it was much more fun when they all made them the old fashion way. Their theme was none other than a haunted house. The girls were currently making some spiders, spiderwebs, and making a few ghosts with some extra white fabric they had.

        "Don't you think it's cool that all the classes got to decorate a floor with their own theme?" Uraraka asked, painting part of the ghosts eyes and mouth.

        "I heard that class B are doing a theme of zombies." (Y/n) said, remembering she overheard some of her family talking about the themes all of the students are doing. "Father said zombies are a little too basic, but I think it's all pretty cool."

        "At least we don't have ancient Egypt, where we would dress up as mummies. Those things are kinda creepy." Tsu said, making the spider legs.

        "Tell me about it." Uraraka said. "I saw pictures of mummies, and they all look so creepy with their skin pretty much gone, and they don't have anything else in them."

        "Yuck." Hakagure said, shivering in her white top and grey shorts. "Glad we don't. Haunted houses are refectory. They're combos of many different kinds of scary things, and it's more broad."

        "That's a good point." (Y/n) nodded, before cutting some of the spider legs a bit smaller.

        "What are the boys doing right now again?" Uraraka asked.

        "Todoroki, Ojiro, and Kirishima are carving pumpkins for the not so scary part of the floor." Momo explained. "A few others are hanging up decorations, but I heard Midoriya and Bakugou are both working together at the dining hall to help Lunch Rush make some scary treats."

        "Let's just hope Bakugou doesn't make the kitchen explode." Tsu said, remembering the last time the kitchen exploded, part of it was Bakugou's fault, while the other was Mineta. Yeah, you can probably guess what happened.

        "I'll go check on Uncle Lunch Rush, and bring some snakes for our class. It's almost lunch time anyways." (Y/n) said. It was almost time for lunch, and she was kinda worried about Izuku at the moment.

        "DEKU!" Katsiki's voicd rang through the cagfiteria. "THAT IS NOT HOW YOU USE FOOD COLORING!"

        "I-I'M SORRY!" Izuku's voice rang out as well.

        The girl simply sighed, before walking through a push door, and saw the mess that was made.

        Lunch Rush was having a bit of trouble with both of the boys. Izuku was too nervous, and Bakugou was too determined.

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