❦〚Class 1-A Fails〛❦

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"Everybody, sorry for the long wait! The stage was frozen in the second match is finally dry, so on to the next match!" Present Mic shouted, excited to be seeing the next match, and happy that part of the entire stadium was unfrozen and dry. That took a lot of work. "The assassin from Class B! Pretty things have thorns, you know! From the hero course, it's Ibara Shiozaki!"

        A girl with hair made of thorny vines along with dark green eyes. She seemed really serious, but somewhat confident in her abilities.

        "Versus--Sparking Killing Boy! From the hero course, it's Denki Kaminari!" Present Mic introduced the boy like he was some kind of killing machine, but everyone in class 1-A knows that isn't even close to possible. He goes dumb quickly.

        The entire crowd shouted, ready to see the next match start. This was, so far, their only entertainment.

        Now, we'll have a super flashy battle this time too--" Present Mic was then interrupted by Shiozaki, looking up at the Present Mic. One hand over her chest, the other raised up like she wanted to ask a question.

        "Um...please excuse the interruption. What do you mean by 'assassin'? I have only come to find victory, not to take my opponent's life." She said gently.

        "This girl is too soft right now." (Y/n) sighed, sitting back into her chair. She was sitting next to Iida and Katsuki, watching the match happening. "If she can get like this with simple words, imagine what would happen if the villain had trashed talked her. She'll be useless."

        "That may be true, but it is possible she could do something to fix that, and maybe she'll be a great hero." Iida said, slightly agreeing to what his cousin was saying. If someone can easily be distracted, and go on about it and not get anything done, they are basically useless, but there is always room for improvement.

        "She should just shut the hell up and do the job." Katsuki groaned, just wanting to see what would happen with the ring, and get his next match started.

        "I-I'm sorry!" Present Mic apologized, not knowing what he was going to say would offend the girl in any way.

        "In the first place, I wished to enter U.A. High School not for wicked reasons, but the salvation of others..." She brought her hands together, and closed her eyes. She looked like she was going to do a prayer.

        "I said, I'm sorry!" Present Mic shouted, not wanting to get scolded by a student. "My bad, ok!?"

        "She's way too soft!" (Y/n) growled. If this was a real fight between her and someone else, it seems peace was something she wanted first, instead of fighting. That wouldn't get her very far in life though. 

        "I thank you for understanding." Shiozaki thanked Present Mic, and started to focus on the ring once more.

        "Class B has people like this in it, too, huh?" Kaminari thought to himself, not exactly sure what to sa, or what to do in that moment.

        (Y/n) sat back into her chair, and sighed. "This is not going to end well. Kaminari is going to try and take her out with one big shot, but those vines of her's will protect her easily. Kaminari is going to get his butt handed to him in less than 1 minute."

        "Agreed." Iida said, sighing. He had no faith in Kaminari.

        Just as (Y/n) predicted, Kaminari tied to take her out with one shot, but she protected herself, and she had him captured while he had gone stupid.

        "It was decided in an instant! I'll say it once more! An instant!" Present Mic shouted/

        "Shiozaki advances to the second round!" Midnight shouted, pointing to the winner.

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now