Author's Note 3 (IMPORTANT!! please don't ignore)

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Hello everyone, I'm sorry that this isn't an update, I have been pretty busy with the holidays and work, but I just want to let everyone know that I will be officially closing the request window soon. I will still accept requests but only until December 1st, and I won't accept any requests after that. Nothing bad or anything, I just have lots of upcoming stories in my drafts and I want to focus on those before I end up piling them up. 😅 For those that already made requests, don't worry, I will still work on those and get them up ASAP. I just want everyone to know that the request window will be closed pretty soon, so I want to thank everyone for enjoying my crappy writing 🤣 When I first started writing this I was a bit uneasy at first because not many people read or requested anything and it kind of discouraged me. I knew I needed to have patience but I was just THAT worried since I had started not too long ago 😩 and another thing, LEMONS, they were just a struggle for me because I turn into a blushing and giggling MESS whenever I read them, imagine WRITING them 🙈🤣  But in the end, these truly were fun to write, not only did it put smiles on everyone's faces, but it helped me become a better writer. So thank you all for giving me the chance to write your requests, I'm not sure if I will reopen the request window but if I do, I will let everyone know on another Author's Note. So yeah, any last minute requests, you have until December 1st before they get VETOED (That sounds so mean😂) Anywho, you all know how to reach me!! Have a good day 😃

One Piece (One-Shots Collection) !!REQUESTS CLOSED!!Where stories live. Discover now