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Contest: dream awards winner
Placement: second place in the Fantasy category

This was the second contest one of my works placed in, and the highest placement I've received. It gave me great joy to see a piece get the recognition I know it could achieve, more so because it's still a first draft.

1 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

My career and family keep me very busy. I need a quiet environment to write, so most of my writing gets done on the weekend while my newborn son is asleep and it's quiet.

 2 what is one Wattpad goal? 

I guess a Wattpad goal would be pretty basic; I'd like to see one of my works listed on one of their supported programs. Anyone would be fine with me; I'm not picky

3 what's the best way to spend a rainy day? 

Depends on the day. If my family is here, with them; otherwise, writing or playing a video game for me.

4 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

After the shock wore off? I'd take my fiancé out to dinner and celebrate her support of my writing addiction.

 5 what's your dream vacation?

I lived four years of it on the Army's dime (I got stationed in Hawaii), so if I could afford it, I'd go to Germany or somewhere overseas.

 6 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask? 

I'd probably ask Tolkien for some tricks on how to fake a language; although, he'd probably just make me create one.

7 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Surprised? No so much. However, I'm always excited to see that people enjoy my book, or think I'm cool enough to follow. I always welcome what people think of my book, and joined Wattpad because of that ability.

 8 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer? 

Grammar will always be your number one killer, but patience is key. Dig into Wattpad's resources on how to get your story noticed. Follow those like they're laws because what they don't tell you is that those are the requirements for a behind-the-scenes algorithm. I ignored it and had to fight tooth and nail to get over five-hundred reads on my first story. My second story is close to five-hundred with almost no promotion on my part.

9 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

That's hard to choose, but Black Honey by Thrice is the one currently stuck in my head.

 10 What's the best way to handle a bully?

Don't react, and don't tolerate. A bully wants to elicit a reaction from you for whatever reason. Don't give them the satisfaction of getting to you even if they do, and don't tolerate the behavior. Use the resources available, and be persistent with them. If all else, do you what you must within reason.

 11 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Halloween. When else can you dress up and scare people?

 Request time!

Honestly, the only book worth reading of mine at the moment is The Dragon's Valkyrie

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Honestly, the only book worth reading of mine at the moment is The Dragon's Valkyrie. It takes place before book one of my main series and will eventually lead into it. The story promises to grip you from the beginning, and it doesn't plan on letting go even after it ends.

Meet the authors contest edition Volume #1Where stories live. Discover now