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Winner of: First place in short story 

Winner from:  Brewing Flair Awards 

I got first for my short story Divided in the Brewing Flair Awards, which I admit that I wasn't expecting at all. Divided is a short story that I wrote while I was in high school, and I'm afraid I've neglected edits that I need to do. However, I keep entering it in awards out of a sort of nostalgic hope... and I guess I lucked out this time. It feels nice, really, to win.

1 what's your favorite book? 

That's hard. Um... as of now,  I like Golden Son (Pierce Brown), Black Cross (Greg Iles), and The Anatomy of Violence (Adrian Raine).

2 what's a tip you'd pass to a newcomer? 

Communities. Just as you rely on a community in real life, you need one as a writer. We all have blind spots to correct and improvements to make, but people around you are excellent at pointing out things you'd never notice

3 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

A lot. I listen to music in any language, so options are out there. One of my favorites right now is Blame (Bastille), but I've recently been listening to Det Var Julenissen (Katastrofe) and שיכורים (Eden Hason).

 4 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

Definitely the community. As I said, there's plenty I don't spot on my own, because it all comes out of my mind in a way that makes sense to *me*, but not necessarily to readers. And I love seeing the worlds and characters of others, so a community is a win-win for everyone. 

 5 how would you spend a rainy day? 

It will perhaps sound a little dull, but probably doing history research while jamming to Russian club music.

6 what's one Wattpad goal? 

Actually finishing a novel-length work. I'm a long way away.

7 what's the best way to handle a bully?

Depends on the kind. I've personally been the target of harmful rumors and attempts on my academics (I didn't take that too kindly). For something like that, it's important to never stoop to their level. Yeah, I know, that's perhaps a little cliché. But it's no different than feeding a troll on the internet. And it is *never* wrong or snitching to tell someone. Schools sometimes won't help you, but parents or friends or teachers will.

 8 what's your favorite holiday and why?

New Year's. My family had this tradition of making a bunch of cheap, terribly unhealthy appetizers for dinner, watching Forrest Gump, and ruthlessly mocking the poor crowds freezing in Times Square.

 9 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

Take whatever time I can. I write and research in the mornings (12-4 AM), take any opportunity during the day, etc. My schedule is a bit of a mess.

10 what's your favorite movie? 

Silence of the Lambs. God, I could watch that over and over again...

11 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

I don't actually know many celebrities, so I'm going to change this for historical figures... and hm. I feel like I'd pick the first king of Wessex. There's so much we don't know about Saxon mythology and that time period, and I'd love to learn more.

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Ah... my actual novel in process is The Balance (Revised). I'll be onto a third version soon. It's a tale of war, magic, revenge, betrayal, coming into one's own, and the ramifications of actions both good and bad. I'm afraid I'm not much for blurbs or describing things briefly, but if you like dark fantasy, uh... give it a go?

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