Muddy Footprints

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Chapter 143
October 15,2016

I groaned as I walked into Rains crib. There was muddy footprints everywhere along with two pair of dress shoes. A pair of Rains black Stacy Adams and a smaller pair very similar. I raised my eyebrow as I walked into her living room. I sighed as I saw the empty ice cream containers from Cold Stone on the coffee table. I walked around the front of the couch and smiled. 

They were so cute. Rain and London had on matching black suits. With white shirts and gold ties. They both even had the same ponytail. I wondered how much of a fight Rain actually put up before she caved and dressed them alike. Knowing Rain it didn't take long.  I smiled as I took out my phone and snapped a picture of the three. At Least Ra still was dressed in the dress I had put her in. I watched as London cuddled into Rains side as Rain grip tighten around her small frame. It reminded me of the picture Rain has of her and her pops knocked out after a service they worked.

I watched as Rain slept. She had been a little distracted and distant almost since the altercation we had a couple of days ago. I told her it was okay and I'm here, but it's like she is here but she's not. I sighed as I watch Ra move around a bit in Rains arm and London shift and stuck her tiny hand down her pants. I smiled. London was picking up on Rains habits and I think Ra was slowly picking up on them too. I grabbed Ra out of Rains arm. I sat down next to Rain and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I felt her drop it to my waist. I laid my head on her chest as she pulled me closer. I held Ra tighter and slowly rubbed her head. I swear I wanted this with Rain. With our own kids. If Rain didn't propose to me by next year I swear I will. I actually have a ring in mind too. I loved her so damn much. I feel like she is it. She is the one for me.

"Ms. Rose what time is it?" Rains raspy voice said.

"Almost 2," I said.

"I will start dinner in a few. I know you are tired," she mumbled.

I smiled and looked up at her. I cuddle more into her body.

"I know you're tired too. Why don't we order something?" I said.

"We can do that," she said.

"Rain.. what happened?" I asked her.

She opened her eyes. They were so low and Red. I knew she didn't smoke or drink when my sisters are here. I know it was breaking her down too. It's like her anxiety was being suppressed and I don't know how much longer she is gonna last. She is tired and I know that. She smirked at me and licked her lips.

"I think London is picking up on my habits Ms. Rose. She might be gay now," she said and laughed.

I laughed and looked at her. My mom did mention that she didn't like the influence Rain  was having on her babies. She said she don't need three gay daughters. One is enough. The thing that hurt me was that she was serious.

"Why do you think that?" I asked her.

"Well apparently Little Ms. Rose has game. Because I have a pocket full of numbers from single mothers. And London has 3 request for play dates," she said.

I laughed. I didn't know London could pull that off. Well actually I do. I would come home with numbers from dudes , and older women telling me they can take care of me and my baby when I take her places.

"Besides my sister getting you mad numbers. Why are y'all shoes muddy?" I asked her as I moved my body and dug my freehand in her left jacket pocket.

I reached in and pulled out the papers with numbers and names on them. I raised my eyebrow and looked at London. Really she had like 10 numbers. I didn't even get 10 numbers.

"Well the cemetery was wet and you know when you dig the graves you are gonna have a big pile of dirt. And wet dirt is mud and mud attracts little girls apparently," she said and laughed.

I laughed with her. I could only imagine seeing Rain chase London. I put the numbers on the table and leaned back into her.

"Where was Ra?" I asked her.

"Ash and Kimmy had her back at the office. So I don't know what happen. But when we got back everybody was in the chapel slumped and the Tv was playing sesame street and baby Rose was playing and laughing," she said and looked at me.

"Then they did some baby talk and laughed," she said as her eyes wander to my lips.

"Yeah they do that a lot,"

"They got they own language and shit," she said and laughed.

I smirked and leaned up and pecked her lips.

"Hello Rainie," I said as her lips came crashing down into mines.

I let out a small moan as she deepened the kiss. I placed my hand on the side of her face. She put so much passion and love into this one kiss. This one hello. I whimpered as she pulled back and placed her forehead against mines.

"Hello Ms. Rose. How was work?" She asked me.

"I can tell you later," I said as I bit my lip.

"I can't wait," she mumbled and pecked my lips.

I licked my lips and laid my head on her chest. I cuddle closer into her body as my eyes got heavy. I felt my body relax as the protection of Rains embrace held me. Then I start to drift off.

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