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Chapter 21
January 28,2016

"That is cheating!" Mila semi- yelled at me.

I laughed and shot another ball into the basket.

"How is that cheating?" I  asked her as I looked down at her.

" Because you are taller and have longer arms than me," she pouted as she turned around and looked at me.

I smirked as I stood behind her. It was a old as trick but I'm sure if I do it right she will melt.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Helping," I said as she grabbed the ball.

I licked my lips as she presses her ass into me. I smirked and placed my hands on top of hers.

"This trick is old as hell," she said as I lined her up for her shot.

"It might be old Ms. Rose but it works," I whispered in her ear.

I smirked as she bent down and bounced a bit while releasing the ball. The ball went in. All net. I smirked as I let her go and she jumped a bit.

"Boom! I'm the shit baby," she said as she turned around and smiled at me.

I smiled and licked my lips as my eyes traveled her body. She had changed into to some black jeans that hugged everything and had rips just a little above the knee and a pair  grey converse before we left. She also had a black polo hat placed neatly on her head.  I bit my bottom lip. I tried not to fucked her but I couldn't take it any longer. I couldn't wait to get her back to her crib to finish what I started.

"No you suck," I said as I grabbed her hand and we walked upstairs to play some more games.

"You know you are really like a big kid on the inside right," she said as we approached some shooting game.

"Well to be honest, I never had a normal up bring," I said as I swiped the card and we began to play.

"Cause of your pops?" she asked me as she shot the bad guy.

"Yeah, I did a lot of old people stuff," I told her as I shot this one guy peeping from  behind a corner.

"Like what?" she asked me.

"I went to a lot of bars, did a little hunting and fishing. Uh I would help work on cars and do a lot of stuff around the funeral home. I really didn't go outside and play with kids my age. Everybody I meet was always a good 20 years older than me," I told her as we made it to the next level.

I had to admit she was pretty good.

"Was the last time you played with kids was when you were living in..."she said.

"James Island," I said.

I shot one of the bad guys in the head. I barely talk about my time there because it was good and bad. I have taught myself over the years to block out the bad and it has worked.

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