Attic of Secerts

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Chapter 122
September 22,2016

I bit my lip as Rain held my hand and dragged me through the back of the house. I smiled as I looked at all the artwork on the walls. It wasn't a lot but it was really nice. She opened a door to a room.

"You wanted to show me a guest room?" I asked her.

"No Ms. Rose," she said as she walked over to a wall and tapped it with her fist.

I smiled as the door opened up. There was a set of stairs leading up to a hidden room.

"It's only 10 stairs," she said.

"We have to have a talk about you and hidden rooms," I said as I started to follow her up the dark stairwell.

"I love hidden rooms," she said as she stop walking.

"You gonna have to put a light in here too," I mumbled and tighten the grip on her hand.

"Just count the stairs when you come looking for me," she said.

I rolled my eyes as she opened the door. She turned around. I saw the light from the moon shining through the window.

"Go ahead Ms. Rose," she said.

I looked up at her and smiled as she smirked at me. I bit my bottom lip and walked into the room. I let my eyes roam around the room. There was paintings and art supplies on one side of the room and a sheet covered in paint.. Some were  done  and a couple looked to be half done. On the other side of the room was carpeted. She had a big screen TV mounted on the wall and she had a couple of video game systems hooked up. A nice ass black leather couch and like a mattress with pillows and blankets on the floor. It was almost like the room in her big house. She even had two small refrigerators and a microwave. I giggled and slowly walked over to the paintings I saw.  I smiled when I saw a painting of her and her daddy. It was the same one her cousins showed me down stairs. It looked like she was done painting it.

"You are really good," I said as I ran my hand over the painting.

"Thank you Ms. Rose," I heard her say.

I bit my lip as she turned on the Christmas lights she had hanging all around the room.

"Do your cousins know about this room?" I asked her as I walked around and looked at a picture of the woods that she had painted in a winter theme. It was so pretty.

"No," she said.

I looked over to see her sitting on the couch. She was watching me and smirking. She looked so sexy. Her hair was out and curly. Her white v neck hugged her body perfectly and her Spider-Man pants fit nicely. I wish she would sagg them just a little so I could see her boxers but that was something that wouldn't happen on purpose. I bit my lip as she tilted her head to the side. Her eyes roamed over my body. She was undressing me. I smiled and blushed and turned around.

"What's in this?" I asked her as I looked at one of those chest things.

"My footlocker," she said lowly.

"Can I?" I asked her.

"Only you Ms. Rose," she said.

I smiled and walked over to the footlocker. I bent down and opened it. I smirked as I saw the pictures of her with her army friends in what looked like to be a desert. They were smiling. They looked like they were having a good time. I smirked as I took her hat out of the chest. I ran my hand over her name that was Velcro on the back of the hat.

I placed it on my head.

"You know my last name looks pretty good on you," she said.

"Does it ?" I asked her as I looked at a picture that made my heart kind of speed up.

She was laying down on her stomach. She was holding a rifle  and looking out of the eye piece. I jumped as I felt her wrap her arms around my waist.

"I was a 75th Regiment Ranger," she said and pulled me closer.

"What did you do?" I asked her.

"Stuff," she said as she took the picture from me.


"I will tell you," she said.

I leaned back into her body.

"At first I was a sniper. Then I moved over to the mortuary part," she said.

I bit my lip. She killed people but part of me wasn't scared. It made me feel safer. That's why she can protect me so well.

"Paint me something," I said.

I felt her getting lost in her thoughts. I didn't know what would happen if she got there but I'm sure it would have to do with alcohol, weed, and pills. I definitely didn't want that combination in her.

"What?" She said.

"Paint me something," I said as I turned around to look at her.

"Something like what?" She asked me.

"How you feel when you're with me," I said.

"You are serious," she said and smirked.

"Yes," I said and pecked her lips.

I felt her place her hand on the side of my face as her thumb stroked my cheek and she brought me back in for a slow kiss. I placed my hand on the back of her head and deepened it. She kissed me slowly and hard. I let out a small moan. She pulled back and pecked my lips.

"Alright baby," she said in her thick accent.

"You can sit on the couch or something," she said as she unwrapped her arms.

"Can I go through this still?" I asked her.

I saw the battle she was having in her head. I watched as her eyes bounced around the room before landing on me. She smiled and nodded her head.

"That's fine princess," she said as she slowly stood up and went to the other side of the room.

I smiled. She trusted me completely. I know she was gonna hold back some of herself and that was fine with me. She will tell me everything about her over time and that was more appealing than anything. It makes me want to be with her more and for along time. She had stories and every time you think your done it's one more page. Waiting on you do you could discover more.

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