Postive Vibes

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Chapter 97
July 2,2017

We had just dropped the kids off with her aunt and we lying down in the secret room smoking. I don't think I'm ready for kids. They take too much energy and I don't have it.

"Rain," Mila said as she turned on her back and laid her head on my stomach.

I bit my lip as I watched her slowly French inhaled.

"Yes Ms. Rose?"

She looked at me and smirked.

"Can I tell you what happened?" She asked me.

"Tell me what?"I asked her as I took the blunt from her and inhaled.

"Why we staying with you," she said and licked her lips.

"If you want to," I said and exhaled.

I watched as she sat up and straddled my waist.

"Trina called me saying mom was gonna be gone for like 2 weeks on a business trip. I told her to take them to our aunt's house and we would figured something out. She told me she already figured it out and she would be staying at her friend's house. I asked her where the girls were and she said at home. She said she wasn't there and then we started arguing. I hung up and drove over to the house and luckily he was passed out while they sat there dirty and crying. So I cleaned them up and packed up some things and called you," she said as she looked down at her hands.

I ashed the blunt in the ashtray. I grabbed her hands and pulled her into my body as I rubbed her back and head as she released all of the things she was feeling into my shirt. I slowly rocked her as her body shook.

"I don't know what to do Rain," she mumbled.

"Tell your mother," I said.

"She won't believe me," she mumbled.

"Get proof then tell her. You shouldn't have to deal with this love," I said and kissed her forehead.

"Okay," she mumbled as her hand made its way up to my ear.

I smirked as she lightly tugged it.

"You guys and this ear touching thing ," I said as she laughed.

I felt her sigh as her phone rang.

"Hello mommy," she said as she answered her phone.

"No I don't know where Trina is and I have the babies," she said as she motioned to the pre rolled blunt.

I smirked and grabbed it off the small table. I placed it to my lips lit it and let it coat my lungs Before exhaling. I smiled as Jamila rolled her eyes and bent down. I placed the blunt to her lips as she inhaled and sat back up. She slowly exhaled.

"That nigga ain't my daddy. When I got there he was passed out and London and Mayra were wet, hungry, and cold," she semi yelled.

I slapped her thigh and she glared at me. I placed my hand on her waist. I held the blunt up and she bent down and inhaled. She pulled back and pecked my lips before her hand made its way up my shirt.

"I'm sorry mommy,"'she said as she rubbed my stomach.

"No the girl's are with me at my girlfriend's house. I didn't feel safe in case he come looking for me," she said as she began to rub my stomach and across my side.

"Because you married an ain't shit nigga," she said nonchalantly.

I slapped her thigh again and she slapped my stomach. I groaned. That shit kind of hurts. Before I could respond I felt my phone go off. I smiled as I read the caller Id. I tapped Mila thigh and she got off my lap. I kissed her cheek and handed her the rest of the blunt.

"What's good cousin?" I asked as I walked to the other side of the room and sat down in the bean bag chair.

"Awe you know same shit different fuckin day," she said and laughed.

"Well what's goin on Traci?" I asked her as both our accents were in full swing.

"Nothin finna go on a call in a bit. Mama wanted to know if you coming down in September," she said.

I sat back and rubbed my chin.

"Yeah. Imma come on down for the month,"I said.

"What a whole month nigga?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah I'm bout to hire a couple new directors so me and Kimmy can have more off  time," I said.

"Good cause I need some help down here,"
She said and chuckled.

"We gonna get you some to and then we can talk about another location," I said.

"Alright cuz I see you. Trying to be like MCDONALD's and shit," she said and laughed.

I laughed and looked over at Mila she was layin on her back and smiling.

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