Taco Tuesday?

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January 24, 2016
Chapter 11

I watched as the casket got lowered into the earth.  The cries of the family always pulled at my heartstrings a bit. I watched as the walked up and tossed their flowers I had given them on top of the casket.  I silently wished they would hurry up. The wind from the freezing Chicago winter was blowing through my dress slack and long johns I had on, and don't get me started on my feet. These dress shoes were letting nothing but bitter wind through them.  I placed my hands deeper in my pockets.

I watched as the widow fell to ground balling her eyes out.  If this lady fall in the grave I have no idea how she gonna get out. That is like 8 feet deep. I am not gonna help her out that grave and get pulled in too.  I watched as she crawled over to the edged of the grave and laid flat down on the ground reaching her arms downwards while pleading to God to take her instead of her wife. 

I watched as the Minster and some family member walked over to her and helped her up and to the limo that was waiting to take the family to wherever they were going to have a repast at.  I said my thank you's and handed the bag to her son.

"Thank you for helping and caring for our family Rainie," said the daughter of Ms. Green.

"Your welcome Amber," I said and smiled.

I watched as her hand touched the lapel on my peacoat.  She ran her hand up and down it and I raised my eyebrow.

"Well I guess I will be seeing you around Rainie," she said as she slipped her hand in my coat pocket and walked away.

I reached in my pocket and took the slip of paper out of it.  I shook my head.

"Nope," I said to myself and tossed her number on the ground.

Rule 1: never sleep with the family members. No matter how bad they are, don't do it.

Amber was far from bad. She had a stiff weave, fake eyelashes, a nose ring, and her skin was not acne free. I don't even think it was acne. It had to be something else. I knew somebody out there in the world would love her but it sure wasn't gonna be me.

I sighed and hopped into the hearse and pulled off to the office and dropped off my slip of paper. It was only Tuesday and it felt like Friday.  After dropping of the paper I head back to the funeral home so I could sneak in a nap.  I can't remember but I think me and Kimmy both have an arrangement to do at 2:30, I looked at the clock and it was only 12:30.

I backed the hearse in the garage and walked straight into the chapel and laid down on the couch.

"Well , welcome back to you too Rain!" Laura yelled at me.

"Where is Kimmy?" I yelled back.

"She went to get lunch then to run a couple of errands. She should be back in 15 minutes if she didn't get her white ass lost," Laura said and laughed.

I laughed too. Kimmy had to have the worst sense of direction ever.

I felt my phone vibrate and I let out a low growl as I clipped it off my pants.

"Yes," I said into the phone.

"Nigga wake up! Ain't you suppose to be at work?" Nora asked me.

"I am at work. I just got off a service and I am waiting on my family to come in," I said and yawned.

"Oh," she said and laughed.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Naw nigga I'm gay. I don't swing that way at all," I heard her say.

She has no problem shutting dudes down. I always found it funny because it would be different every time. Either real nice or real mean.

"Old bum ass nigga," she said.

I laughed.

"What do you want Nora?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah. I got this date tonight but I don't know if I want to go," she said and sighed.

"Why not?" I asked her as I felt my eyes close.

"What the hell is this?" she mumbled into the phone.

"Oh anyway, because she look broke. And I aint trying to pay for nobodies meal," she said.

I laughed and held my stomach as she laughed too.

"Girl go on the date. Get ya twat licked and shut up," I said.

"Rain I swear if this girl make me pay for both our food. I am gonna kick your ass," she said.

"Well get ya twat licked first, then go out on the date and if she make you pay. You just pay for yours call an uber and go home," I told her.

"Rainie what kind of nigga advice is that?" she said and laughed.

"Well you should've called Miguel if you wanted good advice," I told her.

"True. I am gonna call him next then. Cause your ass is useless. That's why you single now," she said.

"And your attitude is why you are," I told her.

She laughed and hummed a bit.

"It is fucked up ain't it," she said giggled.

I laughed.

"Yeah nigga it is," I said.

"Whatever bye girl I gotta go and get back to work," she said.

"Ight bye Nora," I said and hung up my phone.

I placed my phone on my chest and closed my eyes again. I sighed when I felt my phone vibrate on my chest. I picked it up and smirked when I saw her name pop up.

' J Rose'
Taco Tuesday at my place be here at 7.

I texted her back okay and laughed. We were becoming good friends and I was enjoying it.  She kept me laughing and I kept her smiling. We never did much because we were always with a group of people.  I didn't mind though.

'J. Rose'
I hope you don't mind but it's just gonna be us two tonight.

I texted her back and told her it was okay.

"Hey Rainie! I got food," Kimmy yelled.

I sighed and got up to see what goodness she had brought to fill my tummy with.

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