Stormy Weather

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Chapter 79
May 31,2016

I ran my hand over my face as I walked back and forth in Rainie's house in the hood . She was suppose to be here 5 hours ago. We were suppose to be going out with Nora and Frankie. I tried calling her back and she never answered. I was worried because she had hung up on me and I swear I heard Bookers cousins in the background. I would never forgive myself if they hurt Rain. I actually lied to Rain. Booker didn't come to my job. She showed up at my house last night and she was drunk. She actually did lay hands on me, but I didn't want Rain to get involved but it seems like she did anyway. I groaned and ran my hand down my face.  I checked the time on my phone. It was getting close to 9.

I walked over and grabbed my keys off of her coffee table. I was going to find her. I have no idea where I was going to look but I was going to drive around until I did. I jumped when I heard her front door slam shut. I quickly ran to the front door. I watched as she locked the door and sighed.

"Jamila," she said calmly.

I felt my body freeze. She has never called me by my first name unless we are having sex or like a heart to heart, and this didn't feel like a heart to heart. She slowly turned around and my heart dropped. Her lip was busted her tie was hanging loosely off her neck and her shirt was half tucked into the front of her pants. She looked at me and smirked. She grabbed my hand and I shivered. She was cold as fuck.  Her eyes were dark brown and cold. She pulled me over to the couch and sat us down.  I placed my hands on the side of her face as I moved her head looking for anymore damaged.

"You have 10 seconds to tell me what happened last night," she said and moved my hands from her face.

"Nothing," I said as I examined her face.

There was no real emotion. Her breathing was gone. She was scaring me. I placed my hand in the center of her chest.

"Jamila," she said more sternly.

I quickly moved my hand she was like ice. 

"It was nothing," I said as I looked down at my hands.

I heard her chuckle and I felt her stand up.

"Ms. Rose. I just fought off  about 5 people or so;  then I had to go on a removal. So I'm pretty fucking heated right now. So you better tell me what happened," she said as she slightly raised her voice at me.

I jumped at the bass in her voice. I kept my focus on my shaking hands. I bit my lip.

"Booker came over last night. She was drunk and we got into it," I said as I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

I watched as she nodded her head and laughed. She took off her jacket and threw it on the couch next to me. Making me jump. I was in trouble. She was mad and I was terrified .

"I'm going to ask you this once and don't fucking lie to me," she said softly as she kneeled down infront of me.

I bit my bottom lip as the tears came faster. Lying again was not an option. Apparently I suck at it. But I only did it because I was scared for her and us. Booker is crazy and I didn't want nothing to happen to Rain.

"Did she hit you?" She asked me.

I looked at her and broke down. I placed my head in my hands. I heard her sigh as she pulled me into her body and I cried hard into her shirt. I felt her her rub my scalp gently. She was so mad but still so gentle with me. Her body was getting colder. I placed my hand on her neck as I pulled her closer and she rocked me. I notice her pulse was fading quickly.

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