New Love

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March 12,2016
Chapter 42

"So tell me about the new woman in your life," My Cousin Tori said as she ate her salad.

I smiled and licked my lips. I looked up at her as she smirked at me.

"How do you know I have a new woman in my life?" I asked her as I sat back in my chair.

"One your extra happy. Two you got the 'Im taken glow', three you normally would be eyeing every bitch we have walked past and stood next to today. Four Frankie and James told me," she said as I laughed.

"Well you know all about her then," I said and smiled.

"All I know is that she makes you happy as hell and according to Frankie she has a wonderful job making a lot of paper," she said as her accent flowed lightly through the air.

Sometimes I wished I had a small Dominican accent. Just enough to be barely noticeable. Tori was full blown Dominican. I was only half along with my brothers and my younger sisters.

"She is a funeral director," I said as I took a sip of my drink.

"Mmm interesting. And you are okay with that?" She asked me as she moved her reddish blondish curly hair out her face.

"Yes. It doesn't bother me," I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"What's her name?" She asked me.

"Rainie Major," I said and smiled.

"That's kind of sexy. Is she sexy?" She asked as she wiggles her eyebrows.

I laughed and licked my lips before shrugging my shoulders. I watched as her brown eyes glistened as she bit down on her bottom lip.

"She must be sexy," she said.

"She is handsome," I said and smirked.

"Does she has Facebook?" She asked me and took out her phone.

"No. she has no social media," I said and laughed as she cursed under her breath.

"Do you have a picture?" She asked me.

"She doesn't like pictures," I said.

"Does she even exist?" Tori asked and raised her eyebrow.

I laughed and nodded my head. I had actually managed to sneak a picture of her when we were working the service. I smiled and pulled out my phone and handed it to her. I had made her my screen saver. She looked at it and raised her eyebrow.

"Mila you didn't pull her?!" She semi yelled.

I laughed and nodded my head.

"I don't believe you. This looks like a model or some shit," she said and stared back at the picture.

I smirked. She actually did look like one in that picture. She had on the black suit pant with her black suspenders and a black belt, a black shirt and burnt orange bow tie. She had her hands in her pockets and she was standing sideways a little and was laughing at something. Her braids hung nicely on her shoulders and the light was hitting her eyes just right to make them look like the color of warm honey.

"Mila I know you're sexy but come on bitch. If this is you... y'all gonna be like one of the sexiest couple in history," she said.

I laughed as she handed me my phone back. I smirked and looked down at the picture. I should bring her lunch since she doesn't eat shit. That and she has been swamped with work and I haven't seen her since the dinner and story time at her place a couple of weeks ago.

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