Don't Worry

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Chapter 89
June 2,2016

"Rain," Ms Rose voice came shaking out of the receiver of my phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I sat up in my seat.

"Can me and my sisters stay with you for awhile?" She asked as I heard them crying in the background.

"Where are you?" I asked as I stood up and grabbed my keys.

"I'm in the car driving," she sniffled.

"Where at Ms. Rose?" I asked her as I grabbed my wallet.

"10 minutes away from your big house," she said.

"Go there and I'll be there to let you in," I said as I left my building and locked up.

"Nora gave me a key so don't rush.  Can I go in? " She damn neared begged me.

I groaned and she giggled as she sniffled.

"They really like you if they giving you keys," I said.

I don't mind her having the keys but shit. They could have told me.

"Alright I'm on my way," I said.

It was a good thing we were slow this week and I had no services today. I was just into do some paper work and straighten up the funeral home I also interview a couple people for this funeral director position. Which was always a nice Saturday in my book.

I hopped in my Cadi and made my way to the
House. I pulled up and hopped out the car and locked the doors. I walked into the house and locked the door.

"Ms. Rose," I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

I walked into my bedroom and saw a couple of diaper bags and book bags and a carseat. I notice the secret door was open and I smirked as I jogged up the stairs and into the room. I walked in the room and saw Mila passed out and little Ms Rose was about to wake her up with a slap in the face.

"Don't you do it Ms. London," I said as she looked at me.

She smiled at me with her pacifier dangling from her mouth. I walked over and picked her up like Ms. Rose showed me.

" Wanna go with me?" I asked as she nodded her head yes.

I looked back at Mila she was knocked out. She looked tired. I wasn't going to wake her up at all.

"Leave your sister alone too," I said as I picked up baby Rose who was about to slap Mila in the face too.

"Why do y'all like to hit?" I asked them and they both giggled.

I shook my head and made way out of the room and down the stairs. I grabbed the car seat out of my room as I tried to balance the toddler who was talking to me in gibberish and a baby rubbing my ear and giggling. I laughed and they both giggled. I walked into a room at the end of the hall. The door was already open thank goodness. The sunlight was hitting the studio room perfectly. No need for lights.

"Woow!" London said as she clapped her hands.

I smiled and sat her down on the hardwood floor. My pops loved music so every house he bought he put a music room in. This one was my second favorite. I watched as she walked over to the piano and looked at me and smiled.

"You want me to play that one?" I asked her as she stood in front of the grand piano instead of the keyboard.

I haven't played a real piano since  my pops died. He loved when I played the real one over the keyboard. He said it sounds better. He is right though. It is a much richer sound. She looked at the the piano and back at me.

"Thank You," she said.

"Okay then," I said as I walked onto to carpeted area of the room.

I smiled as she giggled and started to jump up and down. I placed the car seat next to the piano and placed baby Rose in it. She looked at me and started to whine. I turned her to me at an angle as she kept fussin and trying to get out. I picked London up and she screamed and giggled. I sat her on top of the piano and sat down. I opened the top of the piano and ran my fingers over the keys as I began to play. She started laughing and Mayra stop fussing. I looked at them and winked.

"You lucky you two are cute," I said.

They were they both looked like Mila a little bit. They had small baby dimples. London had the same hazel eyes as Mila and Myra eyes were grey. Their family must carry that trait because even her sister Trina had some pretty light brown eyes. They both were the same butterscotch complexion as Mila. Well maybe London was my color. Which happens to be a couple shades lighter than Ms. Rose.  I laughed as Little Ms. Rose giggled and her little curly brown fro bounced a little bit.

"You two are going to get whatever you want out of me huh?" I asked them.

They both laughed. I chuckled and began to play.

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