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February 20,2016
Chapter 27

I watched as she walked around my closet running her hand over my clothes. She picked up my pops pocket watch, part of me was okay with that and small part of me was holding my breath. She took it out of the case and held it up examining it. I watched as she smiled and held it in her hands.

"It was my pops," I said as I leaned against the door admiring her sleep attire.

She had on a long ass t shirt that had the angry birds logo on it, and some white ankle socks.

"I'm sorry," she said as her eyes got big.

I watched as she looked me over and smiled. I walked over to her and slowly took the watch from her. Her eyes scanned over my body before she let out a small giggle.

"What you laughing at?" I asked her as I put the watch back in the case before pulling her out of my closet.

"You have on ninja turtles pajama pants," she said and pulled my beater up a bit in the back.

"Why is that funny?" I asked her as I led her into my living room and let her hand go.

"I thought you slept in like a suit or something," she said and laughed harder.

"Shut up girl. I have normal clothes," I said and smiled.

"But teenage ninja turtles tho'?" She asked me as she flopped down on my couch.

"Yup I have all superhero pajamas," I told her as I walked into the kitchen.

"And boxers?" She asked me and wiggled her eyebrows.

I know she saw the brim of my boxers when she lifted up my shirt. I do like superheroes. Don't asks me why I just do.

"You have a lot of dress clothes," she said as I began to set up my hookah.

"I'm always working. So of course I do," I told her as I mixed some weed in with the tobacco.

"Do you own a pair of jeans?" She asked me.

"I don't think so," I said as I washed my hands and began to light the charcoal.

"And you say you have normal clothes," she said and giggled.

"I guess I don't," I said and chuckled.

"Rainie can I take you shopping tomorrow when we get done?" She asked me.

I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. I hate shopping. I grabbed the hookah and made my way over to the couch and sat down placing the hookah on the coffee table. I watched as she stared at me smiling while her hazel eyes dance around.

"I just wanna get you some casual clothes. So when we go out I won't be looking all bummie standing next to you," she said as she stared at my hair.

"I don't want you buying me clothes," I told her as I watch her hand move to my hair and started playing with my curls.

"You buy them and I will pick them," she said as she snapped my curls.

"I don't know," I said as I watched her shift in her seat.

"I ain't trying to change you or anything. I like the way you are too much," she said and smiled at me before she took the hose and started to inhale.

"I guess outer appearance has nothing to with inner?" I asked her as she passed the hose to me.

I watched as she blew a few circles and then slowly exhaled the rest.

"Not a thing," she said as she cuddle up next to me.

"Okay but don't have me looking bad," I said and laughed.

"Never that baby," she said as she pecked my cheek.

I smiled and places my arm around her more securely as we smoked and talked shit.

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