Not much sleep

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Jamila Rose
Chapter 24
January 29,2016

I felt Rain hand rub my stomach. I bit down on my bottom lip. I wanted her to so bad, but she was probably wasn't going to. I think she just didn't want me to regret it and say we only did it because I was emotional. I understood that cause that's how you can start either a fucked up relationship or not one at all. But part of me felt that no matter how we start it off it will be the best thing.

" Are you asleep?" She asked in a deep scratch voice that sent waves up something across my body.

"No," I said back.

" I figured I can hear you thinking little girl," she said and chuckled.

I giggled and pushed her with my ass. I felt her pull me closer and hold me tighter. I felt a small something against my ass.

"What did I tell you about that?" She asked me.

"Nothing," I said as I turned around to face her.

" I thought I told you not to cause you will end up in trouble," she said.

"No, you told me I had to stop undressing you and that you can't control your hands," I told her and places my hand on her ear.

For some reason it makes her super lazy when I rub her little cute ears. I will have to remember that when she looking all stressed out and shit.

"Stop Mila," she whined and rocked us side to side throwing a small tantrum.

I laughed at her and she soon joined in. I watched as she licked her lips. I bit down on mines as my hand gently moved to the side of her face.

" You want me to smoke you out?" She asked me.

"No," I whispered as I let my lips brush over hers.

I heard her whisper a fuck against my lips.

" You are making it really hard for me to be good," she said just above a whisper.

I let my lips press gently against hers. She moved her lips slowly against mines as she rolled over with her arms still wrapped around my body and me on her chest. She moved her hand down to my ass and gripped it firmly. She slowly pulled back.

"What's that?" I asked her as I slowly sat up and straddled her waist.

She placed her hands on my waist and smirked. She licked her lips and sighed.

"I have a big clit," she said and bit down on her bottom lip.

I licked my lips and tilted my head to the side. I raised my eyebrow as she smirked. It had to be huge if I could feel it just a little bit. I moved my hand slowly down the outside of her boxers. She looked at me with the same smirk. I bit my lip as soon as I touched it.

"It's not that hard yet," she said and bit down on her bottom.

It had to be a couple inches. I slowly began to rub it as I the smirk never left her lips. I licked mines as I watched as she bit down on her bottom lip as her clit got harder. I swear it was getting bigger. She grabbed my hand and stopped my motion.

" Tell me how you want it?" She asked me.

I bit down on my lip. In all the couple of times I have had sex that question never came up. They just took control and told me what to do. The only thing I would never let them do was penatration. Fingers were okay but other than that nope. So I had no idea how I wanted it or even liked it. I did like what happened in the kitchen tho. I liked that a lot.

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