Ex-Girlfriend and Wet Panties

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J. Rose
February 21,2016
Chapter 32

"So you're the new bitch huh?" Some girl said as she walked up to me.

She was cute. She was a little shorter then me. She had long black hair, brown eyes that matched her coco colored skin. She was a bit bigger than me. She had big boobs and no ass. She had a beauty mark on her cheek. It wasn't to big or too small. She was dressed in leggings, heels, and a purple and light blue Nike wind breaker.

"Excuse me?" I said as I stood to my full height.

I watched as she looked me up and down. She smirked and nodded her head.

"You are pretty. I'll give Rain that," she said as the corner of her mouth curled up.

"You gonna learn that Rain ain't shit," she said as she took a step closer to me.

I raised my eyebrow as she looked me up and down again.

"Even though Rain ain't shit. She's mines and you're just holding my place. We got three kids together and right now I'm just letting her have some fun," she said and smirked.

I felt my anger start to grow. I didn't know if she was lying or telling the truth, but what I do know is that if she doesn't back up . Imma give her a lesson.

"If Rain wanted you then she would've kept you, instead of upgrading," I told her and smirked as her face turned into a scowl.

"She don't want your ass," I told her.

I watched as she laughed and stopped. She took another step closer to me. We probably looked like we were about to make out. We were damn near nose to nose.

"She wants all of this ass and some more. You won't be able to put up with her job. But I can and will," she hissed at me.

I turned my head to the side and let out a small chuckle. She got the wrong one. I can get hood if I wanted to and she was definitely trying to pull it out of me. She was getting close to catching.

"If you don't back your flat ass and dragon breath out my face, you gonna need to use a straw to eat," I said.

"Bitch," she growled at me.

"The person who gave birth to you is a bitch," I growled back.

"Look just back the fuck up before you catch it," I said and smirked.

"Catch what? Don't look like you can throw shit. You fake ass Barbie looking bitch," she hissed.

"First you can catch a few damn breath mints with yo shitty as breath. Then you catch these hands you bum ass bitch," I said and clenched my jaw.

I was gonna stomp a fucking hole in this bitch. She was pissing me off to a new level. I swear she was trying to fuck my day up. It was already long and eventful at work with Rainie. She was dodging not only Ms. Green, but Ms. Green's granddaughter. While I was dodging her dirty ass grandson. She was putting me in the mood to fuck some shit up.

"That's enough Ms. Jamila Rose," I heard a deep feminine voice say.

It was low but still loud. It turned me on a little bit. I looked over to see Rain with the arm full of clothes I gave her. She was back in her suit. I watched as the two braids I put in her hair last night hit a little bit pass her shoulders. She was smirking a bit but I got a little scared because her aura changed. It was a mixture of things surrounding her. It ranged from calm to anger, from relaxed to tense. She looked dominated but yet very protective.

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