Its not a small Cold

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Chapter 55
April 12,2016

I looked over at my passed out girlfriend. She looked bad. I know I should  take her to the hospital but if  I do know she would leave. I'm learning a lot about Raine and the main thing I notice is she is true to her word.

"Fuck," I hissed.

I'm not sure what to do. I bit my lip and pulled out my phone and dialed Miguel.

"What's up Mila girl!" He said.

"I got Rain and she is sick. She passed out on me and told me not to take her to the hospital but I th---,"

"NO! Last time we took her to one she damn near took out the entire staff! She hates them.. just bring her here Mila! Please!" Miguel begged.

"Okay, Okay," I said and made a sharp ass u turn.

"Fuck," Rain mumbled as her head slightly hit the window.

"Sorry baby," I said and looked back to a passed out Rainie.

I pulled to Rains apartment to see Miguel outside. I was so happy it was his off day today. He made his way over to the car as I got out of it.

"Where is Nora?" I asked him as we meet on Rains side of the car.

He opened the door and took her seat belt off.

"She went to grab another bag of ice," he said in a shaky voice.

I nodded my head as he helped me get Rain out the car.

"Come on Rainie wake up," Miguel said.

"I'm up Miguel," she mumbled as we helped her to stand on her feet.

She looked down at me and smirked.

"Hey Mila," she said.

I smiled a bit as we walked her into the building.

"You know what would be great," she said as we made our way into her apartment.

"If your fat ass lose some weight," Miguel mumbled.

"I'm solid nigga," she said and laughed.

I bit my lip as we made our way to her bathroom and sat her down on the toilet.

"Miguel can you add some salt to the water?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said as he regain his breath.

"Good hurry," I said as I bent down in front of Rainie and started to take her shoes off.

"Ms. Rose," Raine said as I felt her watching me.

"Yes baby?" I said as I got her last shoe off.

I stood up and placed my hands on her shoulders to push off her jacket that was soaked in sweat. I reached to the back of her head and took her ponytail out.

"I really want to fuck you," she mumbled and placed her hands on my ass.

"Not now baby," I said as I grabbed her hands and pulled her up.

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