Trust no Doctor

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Little Major.
Chapter 58
November 1, 1993

My pops had been going back and forth with some strange lady about taking me away from him. I was confused as to why this lady would want to do that.

"Rainie you are going to spend time with this other lady for a little while. I will come and get you in a little bit okay?" He said as he bent down and looked at me.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"She is saying she going to take you to this lady who says she is your mother," he said.

"I thought she was dead," I said and looked at him like he was crazy.

"She might be. I don't know who your mother is," he said and fixed the straps on my overalls.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and looked him in his eyes.

"Don't worry pops I will be back and you can make it up to me later," I told him.

He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.

"Stay strong for a couple of weeks,"

"I got this pops," I said as the lady walked over and snatched me from his grip.

She handed me over to some other lady. She look dirty and smelled bad. Like old lady perfume.

"Ginger if I find out your lying and you after money I will get you. If I find out you hurt her your life is mines,"'he said.

"Whatever Major," she said as she dragged me out of the house along with a police officer and  the lady who took me out of my pops grasp.

"You are my meal ticket," she said and looked down at me.

This lady was evil and I could feel it. She smirked at me as she pushed me into the back of her old ass car.

I had been with this lady for a month now. She was refusing to take some test. She treated me really badly. I slept in the closest and only came out to use the bathroom.

"I will teach Robert to fuck with me!" She came yelling through the house.

I rolled my eyes. I have seen this lady do a lot of grown up things. I mean a lot. I watched as she snatched open the closet door. She looked crazy.

"I will show him an unfit parent!" She yelled as she snatch me out of the closet.

She pulled me into the bathroom and pushed me onto the floor. I was scared and tears just rolled down my face as she poured something wet on my back.

"He will be the unfit parent and I will be rich and you will be in foster care," she hissed as I felt my back get hot and I smelled fired and my skin.

I started crying and screaming. Before I knew it I passed out. The next thing I know I wake up in the hospital and everything hurts. The pain was bad. I looked up and saw my pops running into the hospital. He saw me and tried to run to me as I cried for him. They wouldn't let me see him. The people here were mean. They were keeping me away from my dad as they hurt me more. I closed my eyes and everything went dark again.

While I was floating around in my dreams I came to the conclusion that people hurt you for no reason. I don't like being hurt so I'm not gonna let people hurt me anymore. I was gonna be strong and not need them. Well everybody but pops. But otherwise people are bad.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my pops. His head was on my bed . I placed my hand on his head and he looked up at me.

"Don't worry baby girl I have taken care of her. She won't hurt you again," he said as the tears fell from his eyes.

"Don't cry daddy. I'm strong just like you. When I get out we can go and get ice cream," I said and smiled.

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