Mama Drama

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Ms. Rose
Chapter 140
September 26,2016

Me and Rain had just stepped out the shower. I quickly got dressed  in one of Rains black v necks. It actually hugged my body nicely. I pulled up a pair of black ripped jeans and sat down on the bed. Rain told me to wear all black and not to dress up.

I let out a breath as I placed the FaceTime call and wait for my mom to answer.

"What happened Jamila?" My mom asked me.

"I had to talk to Rainie. She wouldn't leave," I said and smiled.

"Okay well listen. When will you be coming back?" She asked wasting no time.

"Uh Sunday," I said.

"Well can you cut your trip short and come home early. I need you to watch the girls. I'm going out of town for a couple of weeks," she said.

I bit my lip. I swear she acts like a unfit mother sometimes. Especially if a nigga is involved. I watched as she ran her hands through her hair, as a dark male figured walk behind her. I sighed and licked my lips.

"You and your friend you got in my house can't wait like 3 days?" I asked her.

I watched as she laughed.

"That is your step father," she said.

I felt my anger take over my body. She was back with this damn man. I watched as he came into view and smirked at me. I thought Rain had gotten rid of him.

"Hello daughter," he said.

"Tell your dyke bitch I said hello and I'm back," he said and kissed my mother's cheek.

"I moved you out and into my crib for you to bring a dog in?" I asked her.

I watched as anger flooded her face. I knew
What was coming.

"Jamila Rose Trinity Ross," she said.

I groaned. She was about to curse me out and defend her sorry ass nigga. I loved my mom but she was definitely blinded by love or dick. I think she on something too. Me and my mom got along better than she did with my other siblings.

If it wasn't for my sisters being born and so young I would have cut her off too. But I had to protect them from her and him. My mother comes off loving but it's something wrong with her. Especially when she gets a man. She forgets her responsibilities of being a parent first. She never put us first. We always were an afterthought until her heart gets broken and then she wants to be a family again.

"Got damn it Jamila don't forget who raised your little ass!" She yelled.

I tuned her out. My brother damn near raised me and my older sister who we don't mention around mom. That was a entire drama I'm itself .

I wasn't going to listen to her. My father raised me then when he died my brother and sister raised me. They looked out for me. Made sure I had food and graduated from highschool. In the middle of her speech Rain came out the the bathroom. I looked at her as I watched her buckle her belt that held her black jeans in place. The brim of her black Hugo boxers showed. I was enjoying the view I was taking in. I loved when I could still glances of her boxers. Her hair was wet and curled up. She didn't have on a shirt. Her towel hung over her shoulders  as she ran her hands through her hair. I watched as she walked over to her dresser and grabbed a black sports bra.  She looked at me through the mirror and smirked at me.

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