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Chapter 5
January 17. 2016

"You didn't text her first did you?" my friend Ernie said.

I nodded my head as he rolled his eyes and took a sip of his lemonade.

"Gurrrrlllll!" was all we heard as two people entered the restaurant.

I looked up to see Rainie and some boy she was with enter laughing.  She was even sexier in the daytime.  Her eyes are a sexy ass light brown. I mean like super light brown.  She had her pea coat button up and her black skull cap barely covered her head seeing as her bushy ponytail was sticking out the back of it.

"Is that her?" I heard Frankie asked.

I nodded my head as I looked down at my burrito bowl.

"Oh she is fine. Shit she coming over," Frankie said.

"Oopp Come on Ernie," Frankie said as she stood up and grabbed Ernie by the arm.

"Bitch! I wanna see what happens," he said as he rolled his eyes.

I laughed as I heard him let out this high pitch scream. I knew Frankie had pinched him under his arm. That shit hurt.

"Are those your friends?" her smooth voice filled the air around me.

"Yes they are," I said as I looked up at her.

She was smiling while looking back at Frankie dragging Ernie to another table.

"They seem like fun," she said as she sat down in front of me.

"They are,"

"So how is the lovely Jamila Rose doing today?" she asked me.

"I am doing just fine. How are you doing?" I asked her.

She looked tired. But who wouldn't it's almost nap time in my opinion.

"Well I was super tired. But seeing you is giving me extra an burst of energy," she said.

I looked down and blushed and laughed. She was having some type of effect on me and I was diggin it. She was something different and maybe I need something different. I slowly looked up at her and saw this sexy crooked smile playing in her plump lips.

"Well I am glad I can help you recharge  your batteries papi," I said and smirked.

I watched as her eyes started to shine a bit. She bit down on her bottom lip.

"Awww Ms. Rose  has dimples," she said and laughed.

"Shut up," I said and laughed.

" So Ms. Jamila Rose what beautiful combination are you mixed with?" she asked me.

"Dominican and black," I said and tilted my head to the side.

I wanted to get a better look at her soft features.

"Well I guess I need to meet your parents and thank them for creating such a wonderful woman like yourself," she said.

"You are smooth as fuck you know that Ms. Major," I said as I leaned over and straighten her bow tie for her.

She looked down at my hand as I smoothed the bow tie out. I don't know why but I felt the need to touch her. I felt her grab my hands in hers and I felt a sudden rush of heat take over my body.

" And your hands are smooth as fuck," she said as she winked at me.

"BEESSSTTTTFRAAANN!!!!" I heard somebody yell.

I watched as Rainie rolled her eyes.

"Your friend?" I asked her as I ran my thumb across the smoothness of her hand.

"Of course it is," she said and laughed while licking her lips.

I felt my clit jump. She was sending my body through all types of reactions I barely got. I wanted to feel her lips on places that haven't had attention in like 3 years. Not to mention by someone I have only know for almost 72hrs.

" Well until we meet again Ms. Jamila Rose," she said causing my cheeks to get warm.

She kissed the back of my hand before getting up and walking over to a table that held her friend.
I laughed as I watched them get real close to each other and whispered then Rainie twisted his nipple and he pushed her away laughing.  I shook my head.

"Well Mila, how did that go?" Frankie said as she sat next to me.

I looked up and back over at Rainie who was smiling at me and then winked before her friend slapped her arm and started  fussing at her. She laughed and kept her attention focused on him.

"It went really well," I said as I bit my lip and blushed a bit before looking down at my tray.

It went really.... really well.

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