Keep those

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Chapter 88
June 1,2016

"Are you okay with that?" She asked me.

I blinked my eyes and stared at her. She had scary ass secrets. I placed my hands on the sides of her face.

"Rain can you keep those stories to yourself?" I asked her.

I didn't want to see her in that light. It was scary. But part of me was glad. That really meant she could take care of me. That I didn't have to worry about anything and that was refreshing.

"I plan too. But don't be scared I don't do that often only when my hand is forced and last night it was," she said.

I nodded my head and laid my head on her chest.

"Rainie," I said.

"Hmmm?" She said as I played with the necklace around her neck.

"Do you love me?" I asked her.

"More than you know," she mumbled.

I smiled and ran my hand down the side of her face.

"I love you more than you know too," I said.

I heard her sigh as she held me tighter.


"Ms. Rose. I'm trying to sleep," she said lowly.

I laughed and sat up.

"I'm hungry," I said.

"You want to go eat?" She asked me.

"Yes papi," I said.

"What you want?" She asked me and opened her eyes.

They were low and red. She looked exhausted.

"Breakfast," I said and bit down on my bottom lip.

"Send a text and see if they wanted to go eat," she mumbled.

I nodded and grabbed the closest phone. I sent the message and looked down at Rainie. She was snoring a little bit. I giggled and pecked her lips as I placed her phone on her stomach. She looked so cute. I smirked as I felt her move her hand and placed it midway down her swim trunks. I bit down on my inner lip as I let my eyes roam over her shoulder. I bent over and grabbed a new bandage out of my bag. I pulled down the strap on her white beater and took off the wet bandage. I watched as she furrowed her eyebrows then her face relaxed.  I bit my lip as I looked at the wound. It wasn't to bad or too deep. I just had put in a couple few stitches. I cleaned off the wound a bit. I smiled as she didn't move or flinch. She needs a damn vacation. She works so fucking hard and does so much. I sighed as  I placed the fresh bandage on her shoulder.

"Stop Mila," she mumbled.

"Go back to sleep baby," I said and smirked.

"I am sleep," she said.

Her accent was so damn heavy. I bit my lip as her phone vibrated on her stomach. I laughed as she groaned and pushed it onto the floor. I giggled as I picked up the phone.

"They said they hungry and they on the way to the car," I said as I watched her sit up.

"Okay," she said and ran her hands down her face.

"How's your head?" I asked her.

"It's better," she said and placed her hands on my waist.

"You sure?" I asked her as I placed my hands on her face.

She looked like she was feeling better. I smiled as she sat up and pecked my lips. I placed my hands on the top of her head.

"How's your hearing?" I asked her.

"It's okay," she mumbled as she captured my lips with hers.

I smirked as she deepened the kiss. I slowly pulled back and pecked her lips.

"I wanna fuck," she said lowly as her hands squeezed my waist.

"Not now," I said as I licked my lips.

"Why not," she said and placed kisses on my neck.

"Shit baby," I said as her lips moved to my collar bone.

"Papi," I said.

"Yes baby," She moaned.

Fuck her accent was thick. It was making me wet as hell. I slowly moved my hips as she moved her hands up and down my back.

"Fuck stop baby," I hissed.m

I pulled her hair causing her head to fall back.

"Stop papi I don't wanna be horny all day," I said.

"Shhhh," she said as she stuffed her hands down my bikini bottoms.

"No," I said as she started to rub my clit.

"Can you hear meee," I moaned.

"Fuck!" I moaned as she quickly inserted her two fingers inside of me.

I licked my lips and kissed her neck.

"Rainie," I said as my body tensed up.

"I'm sorry Ms. Rose," she mumbled as she sped up.

I tossed my head back as my body shook. I placed my hands under her shirt and dug my nails into her stomach.

"Shit," she hissed.

I bit my bottom lip as I came. I laughed and pecked her lips. She smiled and removed her hands. She ran her fingers across my lips. I slowly sucked on her fingers. I watched as she licked her lips.

"Mangos?" She asked me.

I smirked and nodded my head. I did taste like mangos. She slowly pulled her fingers out of my mouth and kissed me. I groaned and rolled my eyes as I heard one of the jackasses started to pull on the door handles.

"Let's make them wait till after we smoke," Rain said against my lips.

I laughed and nodded my head. I watched as she sat up and wrapped her arm around my waist. I giggled as she reached down in a secret compartment and pulled out like four brownies.

She rolled down the window.

"Eat these and chill out," she said as she handed them to Miguel.

"Bitch really?" He said and laughed as Rain rolled up the window.

"Really Rainie," I said.

"Really,"'she said.

I laughed and ran my hand down her face. She smiled and winked at me.

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