Drunk to Sober

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Chapter 131
September 24,2016

I was at the bar getting me and Rain some water and a couple of shots. I smirked and looked at Rain who was sitting on the couch laughing with her cousins. I smiled and turned back around.

"Hey baby. You looking really good standing over here," some dude said as he leaned in closer to me.

I could smell the liquor on his breath.

"Thank you," I said.

"You know you are the prettiest little thang in here in," he said as he ran his finger up my arm.

My body tensed. His touch made me uncomfortable. I looked at his hand and up to his face. He wasn't ugly or anything I just wasn't feeling his vibe at all.

"Thank you," I said as I smiled and moved away slightly.

"How about you let me keep you company?" He asked me and licked his lips.

"No Thank you," I said.

"Come on baby. I know you are lonely," he said.

I bit my lip as I felt a familiar pair arms around my waist and the sense of protection engulf my body.

"She good," Rain said.

I watched as the dude raised his eyebrow and looked at us. I watched as he stood to his full height of like 5'11 and he chuckled.

"Man. I'm tired of you dyke ass bitches taking all of the fine ass bitches away from us real men," he said as he flexed his jaw and stared down Rain.

I felt her body temperature drop quickly and so did her breathing. I bit my lip as she slowly unwrapped her arms and pushed me gently behind her. I watched as she stared down the man who was a good 3 or so inches taller than her.

"Playboy I said she is good," she said again as he chuckled.

"Naw she ain't good till she had some real dick," he said and smirked.

I heard Rain chuckle as she nodded her head. I gasped as she punched the dude in his throat.

"Stop Storm," I said.

I watched as she picked up an empty cup and smashed it into his ear. He groaned out in pain. Then she grabbed his head and slammed it into the bar top. I jumped as she grabbed him by his shirt. She had knocked him down to 5'6.

"One if you knew how to treat ladies you would get you a good one. Two my stroke game is better then yours and three call my women a bitch again you won't see the sun come up," she growled and slammed his head back into the bar.

I jumped as the man was now clearly unconscious. I looked around the room as people acted like nothing just happened. I placed my hand on Rains shoulder as her body relaxed and started to warm back up. She turned around and looked at me and licked her lips. She walked closer to me and placed her hand on my cheek.

"You okay baby?" She asked me.

I shook my head yes.

"Okay. Let me take him out of here and I'll have somebody bring you whatever you order. Go sit with my cousins," she said as she smiled and pecked my lips like nothing just happened.

I nodded my head and made my way over to the couch. Nora was right. I've never seen someone sober up and then get drunk all over again. I sat down on the couch.

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