You are Late

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J. Rose
Chapter 12
January 24.2016

I heard a knock on my door. I looked down at my phone and saw that it was pushing up on 8:30. I shook my head. I walked over and open the door to see Rainie.. She looked sleepy as fuck. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I am going to start saying 6:30 so you can get here on time," I said and laughed as I stepped back and let her in.

"I was held up at work," she said as she took her coat off.

She hung up her coat and gave me tight hug. I took in her cologne and let my body melt into hers. She gives the best hugs ever.

"You are always held up at work," I said and pulled back.

"Yeah I know," she said and I watched as she bit down on her bottom lip.

I smiled knowing that she liked what she saw. I had on long black maxi dress.. I looked at her and she had on a navy blue suit with a light blue dress shirt and a purple and blue tie.

"So is this how we do taco Tuesday?" she asked me as she slipped off her black Timbs.

"Well you are always dressed to impress. So I figured why not," I said as I turned around and led her into the kitchen.

I felt her eyes on my ass as we made our short journey to my kitchen.

"Well next time I will dress casual if I can," she said.

" I don't think I can image you out of your work clothes," I said.

She laughed and unbuttoned her buttons on her suit jacket and sat on the counter. I watched as she pulled the tail of her jacket from under her butt and started to swing her legs back and forth.

"Well then Ms. Rose,  What are we having for dinner?" she asked me.

"Tacos duh," I said as I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the pitcher of margaritas I had made.

"Just tacos?" she asked me as she eyed the pitcher in my hands.

"Yeah unless you want something else," I said as I stood between her legs.

She bit down on her bottom lip. I could see some nasty thoughts quickly flash across her eyes before she snapped back from her thoughts.

"Well I do," she said as I reached behind her and grabbed a cup off the drain and handed her one.

"Oh really and what is that?" I asked her as I filled her cup up.

"Damn you trying to get me drunk?" she asked me changing the subject.

I smiled and grabbed another cup and filled mines up.  I raised my eyebrow as I brought the cup to my lips and shrugged my shoulders. She laughed and took a sip of hers. 

"Well how can I help you?" she asked me as she sat her cup down next to her.

"You can help me by getting your ass off my counter," I said.

She laughed and nodded her head.  I backed up as she hopped down and we stood chest to chest, well almost chest to chest.  I sat my cup down next to hers. She looked at me and smirked as I slid my hands up her arms to help her take her jacket off. Her arms felt strong as hell and so did her back. I love the fact she had this athletic build. She wasn't to skinny but she wasn't really fat. She was solid though. Almost like a football player or something. 

"What else can I help you with?" she asked me as I placed her jacket on the back of the chair that was pushed into the island.

"Ummm lets see," I said as I walked back over to her.

I placed my finger on my chin as I tapped it. Taking in the rest of her outfit. She had on black suspenders, her gold watch and bracelet and she had all four of her earrings in her ears. Her hair was in her usual ponytail and her cufflinks were gold as well. She dresses better then a little more than half the guys out here dress.

  Of course she had her work phone clipped on to her waist and her other was probably in her pocket.  I walked back up to her and placed my hand on her waist as I unclipped her phone and sat it on the counter. She placed her hands on my waist as I stood on my tiptoes to loosen her tie and unbutton her top button.  She looked down at me and smirked as I pushed her suspenders of her shoulders.

"Are you sure you invited me over to eat tacos?" she asked me and smirked.

"Yup," I said and popped the P.

She laughed as I stood back and she placed her hands in her pockets.  I smirked. She looked more relaxed.

"That's better," I said as I turned around.

" Well you have undressed me, gave me liquor and apparently put me on time out from work. So are you gonna feed me or just try and take advantage of my innocence? " She asked me.

I laughed and walked over to the stove and took the top off the taco meat.

"I am going to feed you," I told her as I heard her stomach make a very unhappy sound.

I looked at her stomach and back up to her. She laughed and sat back on my counter.  I shook my head.  She was still a child despite how she carried herself.

" Good because I am so damn hungry," she said as she took another sip of her drink.

I laughed and started to fix her plate as her eyes watched my every move.  I loved her company and how she gave me all of her attention and focused on me. I could see myself being around her all the time. She just had this laid back demeanor about her and I was diggin' it.

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