Moving boxes

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August 24,2016
Chapter 110

"Jamila. You sure we can all stay here? It's not a lot of rooms in here. You only have three," her mom said.

"It's fine mommy. I don't want you guys staying in a hotel," she said as she ran her hands through her hair.

I let my eyes roam around her body. She had on a pair of  red basketball shorts and my Captain America t-shirt that was to small for me but fit her nicely. And a pair of old red and white Nikes.

"We will just be staying until I can find a new house," she said and smiled at her.

I smirked as I carried the last box I had in my arms up the stairs and into one of the empty rooms that her mom and the girls were going to share. I had another talk with her step father a couple days ago and convinced him to tell her mother the truth. Mila doesn't know and I wasn't going to tell her unless she ask me. I think she knew because I came home a couple hours late.

"Thanks Baby for helping us," her mother said as she walked in with a suit case.

"No problem Ms. Abigail,"  I said as I sat the box down.

"You can call me mom," she said as she as she placed the suit case down.

I smiled and nodded my head as I placed my hands into the pockets of my black slacks. I was tired but I still had some paperwork to finish at home. I could go back to the office but I'm sure Ms. Rose would have a fit. She swears I spend too much time there. She might be right but I always have something to do.

"You know. You are too young to be looking as tired and stress as you do," her mom said as she walked over to me.

"Yeah. But I am also a lot busier than most people my age to," I said as she reached up and loosen my tie.

"You have to get out and enjoy life. How old are you anyway? Jamila Rose never told me?"
She said.

I licked my lips and thought about it. I'm either 26 or 27. I can't remember.

"Mommy are you trying to steal my woman?" Mila said as she entered the room with baby Rose on her hip.

Her mom laughed and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"I might. I don't think you are treating her right," her mom said.

"Stop mommy. She's mines and she is 27," she said as she walked over to me.

I smiled as baby Rose jumped into my arms.

"You sure? She could be 35," her mom said.

I laughed.

"No. Ma'am. I'm somewhere in my 20's," I said as London came running into the room and attacked my legs.

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