Photo Album

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April 12,2016
Chapter 59

I felt the tears run down my face as my heart broke. She had went through something no child should. I ran my hand through her light brown reddish hair. She was staring through me. It was like she was trying to block out the memories. I was looking down at her and was rubbing her ear. Sometime during the story she had laid her head in my lap.

"Don't cry Ms. Rose I was young and I got over it," she said.

I smiled and nodded my head. I watched as her eyes danced around. Her voice was fading in and out and she looked exhausted. I bit my lip. She works too damn hard.

"You look exhausted baby," I said and rubbed her cheek with my free hand.

"I am very exhausted. I only get this sick every year and I guess it's my body's way of telling me to rest," she said as her faded accent flowed from her lips.

"You work so hard Rainie," I said and smiled at her.

She smirked as her eyes danced around again. She chuckled and coughed. I quickly moved my hand and patted her chest. My poor baby had cold all in there.

"You wanna know a secret?" She asked me and smiled.

I nodded my head as she wiped my tears. I guess my emotions were in full swing. I was so damn sad about what she had went through and how sick she is.

"My hair use to be blonde," she said and smiled.

"No way," I said and giggled.

I couldn't see Rain with blonde hair. She sat up slowly and nodded her head.

"Yup. I dyed it because I ain't like it and people would always touch it," she said and laughed and coughed.

"I don't believe you," I said and smirked as I looked at her.

"Bet," she said and licked her lips.

"I wanna see it," I said and smiled.

She smiled then turned around and reached into her night stand. She turned around and leaned against the headboard. I scooted over to her and laid my head on her shoulder as she handed me the small photo album.

"Nobody knows but you and my pops. I started to dye it in 8th grade. I already dressed like a old man I didn't need any more teasing," she said and laughed.

I smiled as I opened the album. The first picture I saw was the one that I saw of Rain and her pops. This one was in color. I giggled as I looked at little Rain and her dirty blonde hair. I turned the page and saw another picture. It was her in a hospital bed with her dad laying next to her. I smiled as they both were knocked out sleep. It was cute.

"My pops was dating this lady for a bit. I can't remember her name though," she said as I laid my head on her shoulder.

I ran my hand over the picture. Rain had to be about ten. She was a very cute kid.

"What happened here?" I asked her.

"I was ten. That was the last time some lady tried to claim she was my mom. She wasn't though. That lady is responsible for my hearing loss," she said lowly.

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