Twin Flames

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Chapter 137
September 26,2016

"Storm whatever happen to that French chick you was with?" Kill asked me as we sat on the porch and passed our third blunt back and forth.

"Who?" I said as I inhaled and passed it back.

"You know the French girl you was banging for like a year?" He said and laughed.

I ran my hands through my hair.

"Oh you mean Alisa?" I asked him.

"Yeah her," he said and passed the blunt back.

"She married with some little shorties now," I said and inhaled.

"Damn. I know you was feeling her. You ever wish you could. You know go back and make her yours? Like them kids were yours?" He asked me as I exhaled.

"I use to. She was perfect for me. Like I thought about making her my wife. But sometimes life doesn't hand you who you think you might need ,but gives you  that person or thing you need. For whatever reason you need them. And usually you have no idea why but you do know it's some reason ," I said as I looked over at him.

"And one day you will eventually find out. Who this mystery person is and why you need them," I said as I sat back in my chair.

He nodded his head and flicked the roach in the grass. I smirked and thought back to Ms. Alisa. She was what I needed at the time. She made me see that all females weren't the same. She had opened me up to the idea of love. That I do thank her for, but she wasn't my person. She wasn't my life like I thought and wanted her to be. She was a lesson. A lesson on every female isn't the same. She was the reason for me to open up to love. Especially love for a woman. Don't get me wrong I love women. But I don't think I ever really loved a woman. I just was going to fuck them and leave them crushed. That was until I met Alisa. She changed that.

But Ms. Rose has changed me even more. She was my who and I was still figuring out the why. I was taught to love by one woman and applied that to another woman that was loving me back.

"Storm? You hear me nigga?" He said.

"My bad Thrill. What you say?" I asked him as he licked his lips.

"I said what about now?"

I smirked as I looked up and the door opened and Ms. Rose came out. She had been sleeping every since we came back from that removal we had late last night. Traci needs some more muscle if everybody she gets is over 250. I also knew she was tired from all the sex  we have be having. So we had taken a break from it last night and I guess today too.

"No not now," I said as Mila smiled and walked over to me and sat on my lap.

"Why not?" He asked me.

"Yeah why not Rain?" She asked me as her minty breath hit my face.

"Because I found someone who completely relaxes me. The absolute most perfectly imperfect woman for me," I said and smiled.

She smiled and placed her hands on my face and pulled me into a slow kiss. I placed my hand on her thigh as I kissed her back. She slowly pulled back and pecked my lips.

"Awww you finally found yo twin flame!" He said.

"My what?" I asked him.

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