Thank You Showers

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Jamila Rose
April 3,2016
Chapter 47

I was laying next to Rain listening to her heavy breathing. As soon as we laid down she out. She was so tired. I had no idea how much shit she kept hidden away under lock and key. I turned around to face her. She was sleeping on her back with her arm across her face and one hand a little ways down her pajama pants. I smiled. I was so lucky to have her. Even if she got some crazy past mistakes. She looked adorable.  We did have a crazy ass night. From her almost beating my ass to me and Nora almost beating Jannett's. I placed my head and hand on her chest as I cuddle closer to the warmth of her body.  She didn't move or change her breathing at all. I looked over at the clock that was sitting on her nightstand. It was about 8 in the morning.

"Wake up Rain I'm hungry as shit," Nora said as she busted through the door.

"Nora why you always bursting through somebody door?"  I asked her.

"Shit she ain't nobody," Nora said and shrugged her shoulders.

"What if I was fucking Nora," Rain said.

Her voice was deep and groggy.

"Girl boom. You don't have sex," Nora said and laughed.

"I fucked ya momma," Rain said.

"Hey nigga don't make me beat your ass," Nora said and laughed.

"Whatever. Go away I'm sleepy as fuck," Rain groaned and placed her arm around my shoulder.

"Milaaaaaa," Frankie whined as she came in the room and laid next me.

"Frankie," I said.

"Did y'all fuck in this bed?" She asked me.

"Did y'all fuck in my guest room?" Rain asked as she slowly sat up and Nora straddle Rain.

I laughed as Rain groaned.

"Ewww what type of gay shit is this?!" Miguel said as he came bargain in the room.

I watched as he looked at all of us. He raised his eyebrows. Nora was sitting on Rains stomach and Frankie was laying next to me with her head on my shoulder.

"Man, what do y'all want?" Rain said as pushed Nora off her stomach and got out of the bed.

"Breakfast!" They all said.

I laughed as Rain rolled her eyes and headed to the bathroom.

"We'll go get some," she said as she closed the door.

"Milaaaaa," I looked over at Frankie.

"Alright. Go clean up and get ready then. And y'all change the sheets in that room. Nasty," I said and laughed.

"Girl I didn't fuck her. I don't think," Nora said and rubbed her chin.

"Uh uh. Nora that is our room. You better change them sheets!" Miguel semi yelled as Nora walked out the room.

"Did y'all?" I asked Frankie.

"Naw. She did finger me for a little bit though," she said and smirked.

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