Hennything and Jazz

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Chapter 81
June 1,2016

I cleaned up the bathroom and my hand as I made my way out of the bathroom. I opened the door to see a passed out Mila. I smirked and bent down and picked her up. I let out a small groan. My sides and shoulder  hurt like fuck right now.  I gently laid her back in my bed as I made my way to my drawer to put on my pajamas. I looked back at Mila as she cuddled deeper into the bed. I shook my head and headed to the kitchen. I put my food in the microwave. I walked into my living room and grabbed my bowl and a my stash and walked back into the kitchen. I packed it and grabbed my lighter and lit it. I slowly inhaled and exhaled. I looked over at the time in the clock it was 2 in the morning. All of that shit happen pretty quickly.

I took another hit from the bowl as the microwave beeped. I grabbed my burger and headed for the living room. I sighed and sat down on the couch. I slouched down and turn the TV on. I looked  down at my hand. I was tired, horny and on the verge of sobering up. I grabbed my burger and started to just demolish it. I haven't eaten since 7 am yesterday. I finished my burger and cleaned up my mess. I walked to my room and checked on Mila she was still sleep I smirked and closed the door and made my way to my music room.

I walked down the stairs of  my childhood house and into the basement . I smirked. Me and pops had a good ass time in here. I sat down in the lazy boy and rolled up a blunt. I licked my lips and made my way over to the window and opened it before I lit the blunt. I inhaled the substance and slowly exhaled. I walked over to the cabinet that held the liquor and grabbed the bottle of Henny. I opened it up and took a long swig before removing it from my lips. I placed the blunt back to my lips and walked over to the keyboard. I turned it on and sat down. I ran my hand across the keys. I inhaled again as I started to play around on it. I exhaled and removed the blunt from my lips before I sat it down in the ashtray on top of the keyboard. I placed the bottle back to my lips. I drank enough of the substance till I had to stop and breath. I looked at the half empty bottle and sat it down as I began to play Moonlight Sonata By Beethoven  . I closed my eyes as I let the music and substance take me away. I smiled as I played. It was one of my favorite pieces to play.

"I love it when you play," I heard Mila say.

"How did you find me?" I asked her as I still played.

"I heard you playing,"'she said shyly.

I opened my eyes and looked over at her. She was looking down and she was holding her arm with her left hand. She looked worried and nervous. I have no idea why and my brain was shutting down so I couldn't figure it out.

"Come sit with me Ms. Rose," I said as I scooted over.

She slowly made her way over to me and sat down . I watched as she laid her head on my shoulder.


"Ms. Rose," I said and smirked.

"Is everything going to be okay," she asked me.

"Nothing will ever be okay," I said.

I felt her sigh as she started to pull away from me.

"But if you are referring to us and this," I said as I stopped playing and looked down at her.

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