Chapter 67: Destiny's child

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I sat outside looking at the beautiful view

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I sat outside looking at the beautiful view. The crystal blue waters and clear sky. This truly was heaven on earth. I grabbed my pina colita taking it all in. "Are you going to get in? She asked dipping her feet in the pool. "I'll get in a little later, I just ate," I said. She slowly got up "Look at you being responsible, you actually believe that myth? She laughed. As I stared at her in her one piece. One more month left and our baby would be here. I was drooling a little at her physique. "Yes, I do... I don't want any cramps" I said.

"Sexy momma," I said. She blushed sitting under me. I wrapped my arms around her. "It's so good to be on vacation a break from all the drama" she sighed

"And Philly.. man Hawaii is beautiful," I said. "I still can't believe you surprised us with a vacation," I said. "This vacation was for me, I just invited you," she said smartly. I pinched her thigh "Stop" she laughed. "You better stop playing all your life" I laughed ticking her. She squirmed "Rashad stop it.. I'm not trying to have this baby in Hawaii" she laughed.

"That would be funny, wouldn't it. One baby born in Philly, the other in Hawaii" I said. She laughed looking through her phone. "Yeah that would be something," she said lying back against my chest.

"So how you think this baby shower is going to go? I asked. "I don't know Takari is a bit over the top... I really want it to be small. I don't want it to be all vibrant "she explained.

"Yeah, these girls go all out for the showers like its a wedding or something" I snickered. "Right, in long prom gowns, simple, please. I beg its not over the top" she laughed.

"I guess we shall see," I said grabbing her hand. We continued staring at the view, shortly she leaned over. "I love you"

"I love you too girl," I said pecking her lips.

The Baby Shower (The Parents)

The Baby Shower (The Parents)

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