Chapter 58: Recognition

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I stood up applauding Makai as he walked across the stage. Today he received several certificates for his outstanding grades at his school. He won "Outstanding performance, Young Visionary Award, & Great Attendance award. I was more than proud of him. He was way better than me when I was a young kid. I looked over at Tionne wiping her eyes. "I'm so proud of him" she cried. I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "Aww its okay pumpkin" I laughed wiping her tears. "Stop with the baby names" she said playfully hitting me. I just thought she was adorable wearing this pregnancy I just wanted to eat her up. I was looking for our little girl to get here. At first I was a little stressed about it but I think the pregnancy brought us closer together closer than before. "We did a hell of a job" she said.

"Yes we did but let's not forget the kid gotta get through high school next" I said. "He'll be fine" she said. Once the celebration was over. Kai walked up to us "I'm so proud of you" I said hugging him picking him up. "Thanks dad" he said. I shook his head "You little nerd" I said.

"Don't say that" She scoffed. "I'm so proud of you baby" she smiled giving him a hug. "Thanks mom" he said showing us his certificates. "Let's frame this" I said as we both looked at them. I looked up a little to see Ant coming towards us. "Oh that's Ant, haven't seen him in a while" he said dodging towards him. Ant won a few certificates as well which made sense because Angel is a teacher. I saw her to the side looking at them talk. We both made eye contact with each other. I know she peeked that Tionne is pregnant. I could tell she was very uncomfortable. "Ready to go" I said looking over at Tionne trying not to eye her down. "Yeah" she said softly. She let me lead as we walked through the rows of chairs. It was super weird I didn't know if should speak or not.

"Congrats kid" I said reaching my fist towards his. "Thanks Rashad" he said. I nodded my head at Angel letting her know that I at least acknowledged her. "Rashad" she said.


"Congratulations" she said blandly. "Thankyou" I said. "I'm going to go with my mom" Tionne whispered before walking off. "You ready Kai? I asked.

"Yeah I'll see you around Ant" Kai said. "See ya" he said before walking away. I caught up with Tionne. She wasn't too far Kai and I chuckled at her wobble with her heels on. I told her not to put on heels but she had to be cute. I stood behind her wrapping my arms around her. I knew a few seconds ago was hella awkward and knowing her she was feeling some kind of way. I wanted the uncertainty to exit her mind immediately because I didn't want to hear about it later. Pleasing her this pregnancy was extremely hard.

"Aww aren't y'all cute lemme get a picture"Takari said grabbing her phone. Kai got in front of us as we posed for a few pictures. My attention narrowed to Angel exiting with Anthony. Tionne glanced over at me then Takari. "So where do ya'll want to eat dinner? I asked.

"I want to go to Olive Garden" Kai said. "You always want to go to Olive Garden" Tionne said walking with him out the door.

We were now at Olive Garden. Everyone was here from my parents, her parents, Kari and Tyriq. We both looked through the menu figuring out what we wanted. K saw her looked through the menu with her little attitude. I didn't mean to be make the situation awkward it just happened.

"What you getting? I asked. "I don't know; I don't even have an appetite anymore" she said placing the menu. "Pshh you lying, you always have an appetite" I chuckled taking a menu. "I know you want the shrimp scampi" I said.

"Nope" she mouthed. The waitress shortly came over to take our orders. "I'll want the Tour of Italy" Kai said.

"No, you're not going to eat it all" she argued. "Ma" he begged.

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