Chapter 26: GONE

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I took a few days to myself to really clear my mind and to tell you the truth. I've felt lighter than ever... I will never hold something in for that long. I turned into a crazy scorned woman and that kind of scared me. I'm surprised I got away with all that damage I did. Not saying Rashad was ever abusive to me because he's not but I was acting crazy. I don't feel bad for what I did though, he deserved it. The only problem is now that there's bad blood. I can't hide forever, I know it's going to be awkward as hell. Even though the argument was 2 days ago. I can't help that it feels like a month.

I was on the phone with Tori catching her up with everything that happened. She couldn't believe what was going on. Her being 6 months now had her in the house all day long. I placed my hand on my hip continuing to explain myself"Yeah he's a trifling somebody alright and I'm glad Kai knows who his daddy is" I said.

"You don't mean that" Tori said.

"Yes I do" I said opening the door.

It was 8 o clock and I knew it was Rashad's turn to pick up Makai. We usually all leave out at the same time but I'll wait a little before I go out. "You guys will be fine, he'll come around to his senses" she said.

"No I'm tired of hearing this. Why should I wait for him to come around? I'm not waiting for shit." I said looking out the door. Rashad pulled right up front because I could hear his music blasting. He beeped the horn rolling down his window. I rolled my eyes turning around.

"Makai" I yelled.

"This little boy just takes his sweet time." I said.

"He's just like his father" she said.

"No he's not, he's nothing like him" I said. Which is true Makai has the biggest heart and is sensitive he doesn't like hurting people he loves feelings and he'd do whatever to fix it. Atleast for now while he's still a kid. I turned around to see Makai forgetting I had the phone on speaker. "Tori I'll call you back" I said hanging up.

"Hey baby" I smiled. "Hey ma" he said sadly. "What's wrong? I asked.

"N-nothing do you have lunch money? You kinda been slacking on the groceries ma" he said.

"I'm sorry, its just a lot going on hand me my purse" I said. I heard Rashad beep his horn.

"Come on Kai, tell your mom to stop holding you up" he yelled.

"You can wait" I yelled.

I smiled back at Kai as I grabbed my wallet handing him a 20. "Here see if your dad can take you to get breakfast and lunch" I said.

"Thanks ma, you coming to my game" he asked. I hesitated at first, I didn't want to but I know it means a lot when were both there. I started my night class tonight after work and I planned on telling Rashad to just let Kai stay the night with him on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

"I will try to make it" I said.

"Okay" he said walking out the door. I watched him walk down the steps to his father's car. I saw Rashad glance over at me, with an attitude. I rolled my eyes closing the door shut.


"Um she just don't know who she dealing with" I said to myself. Kai quickly opened the door. "What took you so long? I asked.

"Ma had to give me some money, can you take me to subway so I can get something for lunch? He asked.

"I don't think there's gonna be anytime. Tell your mom to stop wasting people's time" I argued. He looked at me "Dad what happened to your face? He asked.

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