Chapter 56: Dealbreaker

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I unlocked the door to my mom's house. There was no need to get a hotel when I could just come home. My mom and our relationship has gotten way better so I'm comfortable being home. That was the beauty of it, I could just go home and just clear my head even if it was for a second. I walked up the stairs with my light bag hoping I wouldn't wake my parents. I walked into my room turning on my lights. I frowned at all of my posters that were gone and teddy bears but at least I still had my bed I loved. I threw my bag on the floor getting in my bed. I was really feeling some way that Rashad didn't even call to see where I was going at 2 in the morning. He really didn't care if I was dead or alive at this point and it was hurtful as hell. I laid on my pillow holding it tight. Now wasn't the time for him to be mad at me. I wish he wad holding right now; making me feel all cozy inside. I kept emerging into my feelings until I drifted off to sleep.


I called Tionne for the second time just to make sure she was okay. I was starting to cool down from the situation. I just wanted to see where she was because she left at 2 in the morning. I should've stopped het but I just needed my space. I sat in Ihop with my dad. I could always come to him for advice. I wanted to know if I was being too hard on her. I felt guilty for breaking her phone and not being more sensitive to something so important in our lives but I was angry. The only thing I'm in is my emotions.

"Wow son, I understand why you would be upset about that. She definitely messed with your pride as a man. I bet that made you feel like you weren't doing enough" he said taking a sip of his coffee.

"That's exactly how I felt. It was embarrassing. Kinda felt like mom called and begged a manager to give me a job" I chuckled stirring my coffee.

"You know your mother would do that too" he chuckled. "Do you tell her how you felt? He asked.

"Yeah I lashed out on her, real bad. She left and everything" I explained. He shook his head "

When will you young men learn" he said.

"I know but she's never really made me that mad about anything that just took me to the edge" I explained.

"If you want this relationship to last, ya'll gotta communicate without lashing out at each other" he said.

"We do, we just started having problems really there were only 3 incidents" I explained. "Only 3" he chuckled.

"Don't act like you and mom weren't raising hell Saturday night" I chuckled.

"DAMMIT EVONNEEE" I mocked him.

He laughed pointing his finger at me. "You better watch it" he laughed. "

"You're right, you're right but with relationships come maturity. Seems like you both are trying to get it together but things keep coming up" he said.

"That's exactly what's going" I said rubbing my temples. I then sighed "You're gonna be a grandfather of two now" I said.

"Whaaatt??? Congratulations, that's great ain't nothing like having a new edition to the family" he said.

"Y-yeah that's always great" I said biting my food.

"You don't seem that excited" he said looking at me side ways.

"I'm not honestly, just not the best time."

"HA! you think I was ready when we had your big head? He asked. "Hell no, there's no such thing as planned pregnancy" he argued.

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