Chapter 19: A way

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I made my way to my room when I peeked through Makai's room to see that it was a hot mess. I opened the door to see his clothes all over the floor, junk food on the desk and floor. It was making my OCD come out. "Makai" I called his name.

"Huh" I heard him downstairs. "Come here" I said. I could here him huffing and puffing as he made his way up here.

"Ma, I was eating" he whined. "Why does your room look like a pig sty? I asked.

"I was looking for something" he said

"No I didn't raise you like that, when your done eating come back up here and clean your room" I said.

"Pshhh but after I'm eating I was gonna go to my friend's house" he said.

"No your going to clean your room, I am not cleaning your room anymore. Your too old for that" I said.

"Pshhh but its not even the whole house. You don't sleep in here" he said.

"It doesn't matter its my house, my rules. Go head hurry up and finish so you can clean up" I said. He rolled his eyes "oh my god you-

"What? I yelled.

"Nothing" he mumbled. I swear as soon as Rashad left his whole attitude went back to normal. Makai is a great kid he just doesn't like to be told what to do, he always has something to say back and he can't mind his business to save his life. I heard him march his way in his room being extra loud. I was on my way to my mother's house to help Tori plan for her baby shower. I grabbed my keys and purse and stopped in his room watching him pick up his clothes.

"Mom you don't have to watch me" he said. I even hated that as a child but I wasn't watching him just to get on his nerves. I was just taking notice to some things, I noticed that since Rashad has left. He hangs with his friends more often or after he comes home from practice, instead of talking to his mom like he usually does he goes straight to his room.

"What are you doing at Anthony's house? I asked. I still forgot that he was practically best friends with the boy and that his mother is Angel.

"We're playing video games and stuff" he said. "Okay well I'm on my way to grandma's house" I said.

"Okay bye mom"

"Your not going to give me a hug? I asked. I know I was getting on his nerves but he's still my baby and my feelings are being crushed that he's getting older and doesn't have time for his old lady. He walked over giving me a half ass hug.


"Bye baby, be good and don't forget to take your key with you" I said.

"I got it ma"

I lifted his head up "Something is up with you and I can't put my finger on it" I said walking away.


I was with my family at my mom's house going over my grandmother's will. A few of us received a copy of her will and what we would be getting. I remained quiet the whole time completely shocked at what I was receiving. I couldn't even think straight, I just sat there still in disbelief that she was gone but more in disbelief that she gave me something so valuable.

"So how you gonna decorate the house bro? Tyriq asked. My grandmother gave me her house and put it in my name and I was no where near excited. I don't even drive past her way anymore to get to my job. "Man I'm not even worried about all of that, what am I gonna do with a whole house? I asked.

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