Chapter 8: Promises

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We both sat on the bleachers quietly, I couldn't believe it me being a father at 18? This couldn't be real. I have my whole life ahead and here I go being irresponsible. She began crying "I don't know what I'm going to do" she sobbed. I just sat there staring at the other side of the gym. I couldn't just watch her cry I had to say something even though I didn't have the answers myself.

"Stop crying" I said moving her hand. She wiped her eyes looking at me. "Look whatever decision you make I'm 100% percent with it" I said. She nodded her head "But I don't wanna tell my mom, I'm scared" she said. I could see the fear in her eyes. Shit I was scared too what the fuck am I gonna do with a child? I'm not even finished high school, my reputation was even on the line. Its been two weeks since she told me and neither of us told our parents.

"We gotta tell them, we did this to ourselves. No need in keep hiding it" I said.

"Yea your right, but I just don't know how my mom is going to react" she said.

End of flashback

I woke up in the middle of my sleep. I honestly couldn't sleep. There was so much on my mind. I was missing my girl and just thinking about my grandma. I know she's slowly dying and it was killing me. I can't imagine life without her. I slowly got up from the bed walking up the stairs to get some water. I noticed the light was on I made my way completely to the top of the steps to see Tionne washing her hair. I looked at the time it was 4 in the morning.

"Who's that? She asked.

"Its me" I said opening her refrigerator to grab a water bottle. I closed the door peeking at her shorts she definitely didn't have a flat ass anymore. She lifted her head up drying her head off. "What are you doing up? She asked. "I couldn't sleep" I said looking at her curly hair. "What's wrong? She asked.

"Just a lot on my mind its nothing though" I said. "It gotta be something" She said. I looked at her "You worried about me, what you doing up? I asked.

"Couldn't sleep either" she said. "So out of all things you decide to wash your hair at 4am" I chuckled. "Yeah my hair needs to be done" she said. I walked over to touch her hair I ran my hands through her curls.

"Ouch" she screeched. "Ohhh you gotta a little bit of tangle going on" I said letting go.

"Uh yeah, I gotta condition it and comb it" she said rolling her eyes sitting down. I sat at the table across from her.

"So what's really going on? She asked. "Damn nosey, I said I'm good" I laughed

"Fine you don't have to tell me" she said opening her laptop. "You know my grandmother is getting real sick you know and its bothering me" I explained

"Awww Grandma Noreen is still in the hospital what's wrong with her? She asked.

"She's just getting old her body is getting weaker and weaker"

"I'm sorry Rashad, I know you love her dearly but your grandmother always pop back up stronger than before" she smiled trying to cheer me up.

I sighed "I don't know this time, I'm gonna visit her today tho"I said.

"I'll go; I mean I haven't seen her in a while. That's if you want me too I don't want to you know invade your space" she said

"If you want to see her you can, I don't care" I said.

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