Chapter 10: tough love

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I pulled up at Angel's house. It was about 8 and I know she's up. I know it would be kind of weird and all that her baby father is staying with her. I hope he wasn't trouble, I never even met the nigga. I rung on her doorbell praying for her to answer. The door swung open fast and it was her son Ant.

"You know you suppose to ask who it is before you open the door lil man" I said

"I was just on my way out , Wassup Rashad" he said. "Wassup with you? You doing good? I asked.

"Yeah just school you know" he said. "Where your moms at? I asked. "She in there, my dad gon be home soon" he said.

"No worry this will be quick" I said. "Alright see ya around" he said leaving out as I stepped in. "Angel" I called.

"What? Who is that? She said. I could hear her from upstairs. I had to speak to her and tell her how I felt. Her giving me the cold shoulder for weeks has me wondering if she even wants to be with me

"Wassup" I said. She looker very shocked that I was in her living room. She rolled her eyes "What are you doing here Shad? She asked.

"I'm trying to talk to you. Wassup with you ignoring me for weeks when I already told you the truth. I mean you seem content without a nigga" I said.

"I'm not about to do this with you" she sighed. "Do what? Because I want to fucking talk to you. What's really good Angel? You want to be with me or not" I yelled.

"Rashad you're not going to yell at me. Maybe you can get away with that from your baby momma but not over here"

"No I tried to be civilized with you. And you over here giving me the cold shoulder like I cheated on you or something. Woman the fuck up and tell me what it is" I said walking towards her.

She turned her head to side "I'm just confused. I'm scared its not going to workout because of you and Tionne" she admitted. She finally softened up, I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Baby I only want you and you know that. That whole situation is dead; I don't want her she doesn't want me. The only person I miss and want is you" I said leaning forward. "I miss you too, this program sucks? She said

"It does but how bout we get through this together the best way we can and then possibly move in together" I said

"I like that" she smiled. "You know what I would like though? I said running my finger down her chest. "And what is that? She asked. "You" I said kissing her, I lifted her up taking her to the sofa. I laid her on the sofa taking my shirt off. She placed her hand on my chest stopping me.

"Shad we can't" she said out of breath. "Fuck why not? I asked. "This really isn't the place. My child's father may walk in; Anthony may walk in" She explained.

"You're right" I said placing my shirt back on. I grabbed my keys from out my pocket dangling them. hoping she would get the message. It was dark outside and all we had to do was park in the back. She smirked following me outside. We both got in the car. "Fuck it let's just do it now right here" I said my car was tented so it wasn't a big deal. I bit my lip watching her sit on my lap. I placed my phone in my pocket while she unzipped my belt.

"You miss daddy? I asked. "Yes I missed you papi" she said sitting on it. "How bad? I asked. She began to moan "Badly" she said.

"Fuck" I moaned. It felt like heaven I haven't had sex in weeks and it was pure hell.


I poured a glass of wine while I was listening to some music. I was kind of glad to have an hour or so to myself. It was 8:30 and Kai wouldn't come home until 9:30. I didn't know where Rashad went but I'm quite sure he wont be in anytime soon so I had time to try to get over this heartbreak. I grabbed the rest of our old pictures looking at them. Monica - you shouldn't known better came on. I grabbed my glass taking a sip of my wine. I noticed my phone flashing and it was Rashad. I slowly picked it up turning the down the music. "H-hello" I said

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