Chapter 42: The Start Up

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 Makai came downstairs running but was stopped when Rashad told him to slow down. Instantly Kai slowed down making his way to the refrigerator.

"You know its your turn to clean the refrigerator. So I'll give you til tomorrow" I said.

"I hate cleaning the refrigerator" he argued. Rashad gave him a death stare and Kai's mood instantly changed. "I'll do it tonight" he said grabbing his water.

"Hold up, your grandmother will be over in a few. Be good" I said. We were about to leave for our Ski Trip in Colorado and I was excited. This was actually our first vacation as a couple and I wondered how it would go.

"You better be good.. I don't want to hear anything once we get back .. you hear me? Rashad said.

"Yes" he said before going upstairs. We have been stricter on Kai because of the situation causing him to be more cautious and super avoidant. Sometimes I felt bad about it but he needed to suffer the consequences.

"You got my baby shook" I laughed. "He'll be ard. I had to nip that in the bud" he said.

"So how you feel about that intervention? He asked.

"It was a lot, that really bothers me. I never knew that happened to her but I'm glad were on great terms. I really missed her" I said

"Yeah I'm glad you two are too" he said

"It was like I saw this different side of her that I never saw you know" I said still amazed. I never saw my mother that vulnerable ever.

"Your mom is soft. I always knew it" he chuckled.

My phone began ringing, I viewed the screen quickly answering the unknown number.

"H-hello" I said with uncertainty

"So when were you going to tell me you got back with Rashad? " Davon yelled. He was pretty loud, loud enough for Rashad to know that there was another man on the phone. He was now giving me the death glare. "Yes I'm back with him and I don't owe you an explanation" I said simply.

"Who that? He asked. "I-its no one" I said. lowly. He slowly placed his things down"Ha! That's funny cuz you were just with me not to long ago" he said.

"Don't call my-

He snatched my phone from out of my hands. "Yo get the fuck off her phone G, you already know who this is" he snapped.

"Stop fucking calling her, she's with me now nigga" he yelled hanging up. I was shocked at how serious he got. I wasn't entertaining Davon at all and I definitely had it.

"You still dealing with this nigga? He asked.

"No I don't know-

"Why he so comfortable calling you? Matter of fact why this nigga number still saved in your phone. Delete that shit" he ordered.

"You need to calm down" I said. "No" he said. "I will beat that niggas ass" he said clenching his jaw. My phone went off again but he quickly grabbed it.

"Stop taking my phone" I said. He looked at the messages. "Uhh this nigga, these your photos from your photo-shoot" he said. I grabbed my phone looking through my 10 attachments while Rashad was hovered over me. He's never been this way ever, even back in the days. I guess he probably didn't care that much because he was doing whatever the fuck he wanted. Now he wants to act all crazy. I smiled satisfied from my pictures while Rashad had a look of disgust. "So you're an Instagram broad now? He chuckled. I side eyed him and rolled my eyes. Were about to go on vacation and I don't want any tension at all.

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