Chapter 62: Obstacles

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"Come on baby, you have to eat something. I know its hard" Ms. Gloria said to me.

"Tee, you haven't been eating.Come on mama"

I slowly raised my body up. Rashad's mother handed me a plate of food she cooked for me. I shoved the plate away "I'm not hungry" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Eat a little, come on you have to feed the baby" she begged. I glanced at the plate of mashed potatoes, string beans, and chicken. She scooped up some potatoes trying to feed it to me. I open my mouth taking a bite. I was so depressed and heartbroken; I wasn't doing my daily routine. I abandoned my child and I stopped working. I began to break down crying uncontrollably "They gave him a year; he won't be here to see the baby. It's all my fault" I cried uncontrollably.

"Shhh, it is not your fault baby. You did the right thing. You wanted him home and my baby went to work to take care of his family" her eyes getting gloomy.

"I need him here; I can't do this alone. I don't know what to do. I can't-

"I'm not cut out for this. Makai is acting up already" I cried. She placed the plate aside pulling me into a hug. "I know baby, it's in GOD's hands," she said. I shook my head getting out of her grip. I got out of the bed "I'm tired of hearing that shit"

"Or everything happens for a reason.Yeah, GOD is coming down to help us from this nightmare and will magically get Rashad out.This damn system. He's not getting out anytime soon, and they're going to give him hell and its nothing that he can do, there's nothing I can do" I cried She pulled me into a hug as I cried unto her chest.

"I know, I know. It's hard for me too" she said rubbing my back. "I miss my child too" she sighed. I didn't even realize I wasn't the only one affected by this.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even thi-

"Its okay," she said letting go of me.

"Come on get yourself together, Kai will be home soon," she said wiping her eyes. I nodded my head walking into the bathroom. I closed the door standing behind it. I looked at his things around the sink and all I wanted to do was cry again. It's only been two weeks and it feels like a century.

30 minutes later

I pulled down one of Rashad's hoodies. It was comfortable and it still smelled like his cologne. That was the only thing that gave me some comfort.I grabbed my glass of wine walking into Makai's room. I placed the glass on his dresser looking around his room. I walked over to his bed lifting it up. I saw a few playgirl magazines. I ran my hands searching to find anything suspicious. His behavior has changed drastically and I just had that motherly sense that he's doing something he had no business doing; not seeing anything I placed the mattress back down.

I felt something hit my thigh I looked down to see a bag of weed and a condom. I felt my heart drop to my stomach, please don't tell me my 11-year-old is having sex. I know I haven't really been here emotionally but we didn't raise him like that. I grabbed the weed and condom placing it on his bed so he could see it when he gets in class. I couldn't wait to tell Rashad when he calls this week. I grabbed my glass of my wine.

"Gloria get your grandson," I said closing his door. "What did he do now? She asked. "Take a look," I said walking past her. I grabbed my phone, I had Tyriq on speed dial now. Rashad already told him to step in when needed and it's definitely needed because I have no energy for none of it. "This damn boy, if you don't whoop his ass. I will" she said.

"Whoop his ass, I don't care" I plopped on the bed.


I laid back on the bunk bed looking over at the family picture we took at Kai's birthday party. It's so crazy that we weren't even getting along that day and it doesn't show in the photo. That wasn't that long ago. It trips me out how we settled our differences that night and our baby was conceived that night. So crazy how life is. I missed them like crazy and it sucked that I'm doing a year for a racist mothafucker that started it with me. I should've just walked away. I kept playing that moment over and over and over again in my head beating myself up about it. All my baby wanted me to do was stay home and I should've listened. I was starting to think this was karma maybe for all the women I did dirty in the past or not realizing what I had in the moment and just letting my pride get the best of me. Instead, I'm in this shit hole but surprisingly I'm doing better than I expected. My cellmate Greg which, is an older guy. He's Muslim and he constantly talks about converting me but I deny his offer every time. I didn't want to be associated with anyone just by myself. Despite him being pushy about my religion he's a wise man. We talk every day about anything and he's been helping me get through this.

"I know you miss your family man. If I had the opportunity to just see them for a few minutes that would be alright" he said. Greg was doing 20 years for manslaughter. The man is 45 and won't get out until he's 65.

"Yeah, it's shitty," I said.


"Look calm down Tee, I'll be their first thing when I get off a matter of fact. He can stay with me for a minute. However, you want to do it" he ensured

I got up from the couch looking out the window waiting for him to walk in the door. I began to zone out "Yeah, I think that's best," I said. Suddenly, I scrunched up my face dodging towards the front door.



I dropped the phone on the grass "Hey" I yelled trying to break up the fight between Kai and Ant. "Stop it" I yelled trying to break them up. Makai was on top of Ant throwing punches his way. "Fucking dumbass"

"Fuck you, get off of me" Ant tried kicking him. All I could hear was them rustling.

"Stop it" I begged using all my force to pull Makai off, leaving me to fall back on the grass. I gasped in shock "Just stop it, stop it" I screamed. They both stopped and Kai's eyes widened once he saw me sitting on the grass. "Ant just go home," I said. "He started it Ms. Tee" he scoffed storming off. Kai tried to help me up but I shooed him away. Luckily, I didn't fall hard but I was truly disgusted. "Just get in the damn house" I shouted finally getting up.I held my lower back in pain. "You're in trouble," I said. He stormed inside "What's new? he said.

 "What's new is I'll actually whoop your ass if you don't shut your mouth.Don't you dare think you're going to start acting crazy. You know if your dad was here none of this would've happened" I scoffed watching him suck his teeth.

"Kai, come talk to your grandma"

"I don't want to talk; dad isn't here"

"You're still in trouble and you have a wonderful surprise upstairs. You're grounded .. again" I said.

"I don't care" he said running upstairs. I chased after him but Ms. Gloria stopped me. "Tionne"

"Just sit down," she said. I took a deep breath sitting on the couch. "That boy, whew he is really trying it" I said rubbing my belly.

"He's just acting out, he's at the age now-

"I know the reason," I said shutting her off. I then ran my hands through my hair. I sighed

"It's just.. he just responds to us differently. It's like he respects his dad more than me. If Rashad tells him to be quiet, he'll do it. If I tell him to be quiet, he won't listen to me. I just.. I don't know, I don't even feel that important to him. He doesn't even say much to me anymore; he just stays to himself. I just want to give up completely" I admitted.

"You can't give up on your child baby and most certainly not your man," she said.

"It's rocky right now but we have to keep fighting," she said sitting beside me. I leaned over, laying on her shoulder.

Oh, Kai!

I definitely forgot Rashad's mother's name. I don't even know if I named her. It's Gloria now lmaoo. Anyways, this story was supposed to end a while ago. I just added some extra chapters because I love ya'll lol but it's literally almost over.So get ready!

SN: Guys! I dropped a preview to my new story. Go look on my page, read the description and help me name it. It's another Keith Powers Story. Tell me what you think but comment on that story not this. Thankyou :)

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