Chapter 14: Pushed

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I was walking down the hall to get to Rashad's co-ed dorm. As I walked down the hall I could see a few faces turning their necks primarily woman. "Who's baby is that?

"Oh I think its Rashad's baby you know the Que"

I rolled my eyes knocking on the door with screaming Kai on my hip. I was visiting Rashad's dorm so he could see his son. It's bad enough he has me waiting for what seems like hours as everyone's being nosey, as if they never seen a young mom before. It was a lot of college dudes that had babies on the low but were quiet about it. He finally opened the door "Hey baby" he smiled giving me a kiss.

"Hi" I said lowly handing him Makai. As soon as his father held him he shut up. "Wassup lil man" he said giving him a kiss on the cheek. I looked around his apartment, it was a little junky. "Wassup Tionne" One of his roommates said walking by. "Hi" I said sitting down, I watched Shad and Kai play around as I observed everything. When I saw his arm my eyes widened " What is that? I asked running over to touch.

"Ouchhh what are you doing? He asked. "Checking this out is it a keloid? I asked. "No baby, its a branding" he laughed

"Oohhh eww looks gross" I said sitting back down. "Yeah got it done, I'm official now a nasty que" he said sticking his tongue out. I rolled my eyes sitting back down. I can't lie I was a little insecure that Rashad is at Cheyney with thousands of girls trying to throw themselves at him, just like high school but this time its college and worst. Not to mention I still get backlash here and there for being a mother at 18.

"Yoo Shad you tryna match later? His roommate and frat brother Aaron asked. He looked at me "Nah I'm good" he said

"I thought you stopped smoking? I asked. "No weed is my best friend, I'm stressing" he said.

"Tuh" I crossed my arms "I'm stressing you don't know the half" I said.

"What's wrong with you? He asked. "Nothing I was just coming to drop you off some money" I said getting up. I walked over to him handing him $60.From my own check. I worked part-time at a hospital and doing hair on the side. I know he was broke he wasn't working because he's focused on school and he's playing basketball.

He slowly took it "You aint have to do this babe but thank you" he said. "Well I did" I said picking up Kai he was only 1. "I'll see you around" I said walking away from him. Truth is I was depressed I have post partum like a mothafucka, I can't go to school right now because I have a baby to raise, I feel judged, overlooked and unappreciated.

"Tionne come here" he said pulling my arm. "Hand me my boy" he said. I handed him watching him place him in his car seat. Once he was done he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"I know you're stressed out and that I can't be home the way I used to but I'm doing this for us. Imma get this degree- he said kissing on the side of my neck. "And then your gonna get your degree then we gon be good ma" he said.

"Its a lot easier said than done" I said. "So you don't trust me? He asked. I turned around "I don't know Shad, you're in college with a bunch of girls.You're popular, you go to parties, your apart of all of the events.You don't got time for little ole me and our son" I said looking down.

"Don't say no shit like that anymore of course I care for you. Why you think I'm here? Its for him, its for you, its for us. Where is all this coming from? He asked getting fed up.

"I just know how this is gonna end. Its going to be somebody else that you find interest in. I'm already a joke around here, all these girls in our business tryna come for me because I'm young and a mother" I said

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